Well, there are so many points where one can criticize this movie. Most of the scenes are unrealistic, unreal and over-hyped. Songs are hilarious and over all this you have to bare with Abbhiskek’s acting(if you wanna call it acting…) for 3 hours …
We already have so much of frustration, worries, tensions and our bosses to think about that such movies sometimes give you those 3 hours of your life where you keep your brains at home and laugh your guts out.
You will enjoy the movie if you keep your brains out of this. Let it take a “Thanda Wala Davai”(Chill Pill) and just enjoy the movie.
Story: 1*(Doesn’t have one)
Acting: 3*(Lost 2 stars for having Abhishek)
Direction: 4
Screening: 4
==Overall: 3=