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Member Since:Aug 02, 2009
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Great as a new car but....
Reviewed Chevrolet Aveo
Exterior - Good looking exterior Interior (Features, Space & Comfort) - Good looking interiors Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gearbox Initially its aRead more...
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
Never buy a Blackberry Handset from Vodafone. Reasons are: They dont give you a better price on your handset. Your handset is locked with the service Read more...
Excellent service by Transworld International
Reviewed Transworld Movers and Packers
We shifted from Bangalore to Gurgaon in the end of October.. I had been looking for a good reliable M&P and had called for the quotation of about 5 differentRead more...
IFB Dishwasher Zephrynx : IFB Customer Care Sucks
Reviewed Choosing a Dishwasher
I purchased an IFB Dishwasher in Aug 2008 for Rs 27, 000 and have had a mixed experience. Plus Points: Dishes get cleaned fantastically. Never seen my disheRead more...
Reviewed Learning to Drive
When I first called up New Santro Motor Driving School in Feb end, to join the class, Mr Imran, the school principal, was very prompt in coming to my office. Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on prbills's review
Commented on prbills's review
Quite a silly review... I hope it does not confuse people who wish to use Transworld M&P. There is nothing fishy about them and I know I will use them again, if I need to move out of Gurgaon...
Rated on salsayonara's review
Commented on araveeti's review
I had as good an experience with them and am as impressed with their service as you are. I have been recommending them to all my colleagues & ex-colleagues who are planning a move :) There were some articles left in one of the drawers at our apt in Bgl, but we found this when they asked us to che Read More...
Rated on araveeti's review
Commented on own review
Hi ! After my review, I managed to get just 2 more classes for half an hour each, and ofcourse after that the instructor did not turn up. I have not got my learners licence either... I just gave up... But I do keep thinking I'll go and lodge a police complaint coz they did not hand over my LL...
Commented on askshameer's review
Hi! I know exactly how you would have felt... These guys took 2300 from me and took only 2 classes !! The instructors just stopped coming after that and Mr Imran ofcourse does not bother picking up the phone... I had written a review on this driving school after my bad experience. Wish other peop Read More...
You'll get sparkling clean utensils. Only thing is that you need to rinse them and remove any food particles stuck on them. Since I used to always do this as the maids otherwise never wash the utensils properly, I don't have a problem. Some people may not be too happy with doing this though.. Read More...
True.. Its a very useful appliance. If the supplies like Dishwasher detergent, salt etc were available in the supermarket it would be fabulous. I had read in some other review that some other brand's supplies are available in MK Retail (Bgl). Haven't chkd it out yet, but the one I saw in Spar wa Read More...
Commented on shresthachandan's review
Thanks for the information Orion80.. I've been having a lot of trouble with the IFB customer service over dishwasher supplies. They are pathetic... coz each time I have to keep on following up regularly (abt 2 calls a day) for 2 weeks or so, before they finally deliver.
Commented on tear_xyz's review
Well this driving school continues to be the same... And I can see from the previous comment that it was the same for another user here 2 days back.. ..... Once they've taken your money, they won't bother..
Rated on tear_xyz's review
Followed tear_xyz , master_blaster
Commented on master_blaster's review
Hi! I completely agree with this review. I have posted one myself today, and this was the first review I've ever posted. I've so lost my faith in this driving school that I'm actually checking up ways in which I can lodge a complaint in the consumer court against this driving school. I suggest all o Read More...
Rated on master_blaster's review
Commented on javandhia's review
I had exactly the same experience. You make a mistake of paying the money in advance & you are in trouble. The worst is this guy Mr Imran just stops answering your calls & smses. I've decided I'll go to the police & consumer court if he does not start my classes. Maybe some of you who's classes were Read More...
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