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Member Since:Oct 15, 2016
140 MS Points
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About Me
Education: B Tech CSE
Movie Stars: Robert Downey JrMovies: Iron ManT.V. Shows: Flash
Movie Stars: Robert Downey Jr
Movies: Iron Man
T.V. Shows: Flash
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The racing bloodhound
Reviewed TVS Apache RTR 160
TVS Apache RTR 160 is indeed an awesome bike in the price range of 80-90k for every young blood, who have the racing DNA in them. this great bike with a mileaRead more...
The "Rich" Smartphone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro
Samsung galaxy c9 pro is a power-packed smartphone with all essential features that a modern day smartphone needs. This Phone comes with 6 GB of ram which is Read more...
Beast in Red
Reviewed Wild Stone Deodrants
Wild stone Red is a good deodorant with a strong fragrance. The bottle design is like any other typical deo. bottle with spray nozzle. Fragrance lasts for 12hRead more...
A new revolution in digitization
Reviewed d2h
Videocon D2H is being used for 5 years at my place. This D2h service is indeed very good in comparison to others like tata sky, dishtv, etc. It provides a veRead more...
Rebirth of hairs
Reviewed Patanjali Kesh Kanti Hair Oil
Patanjali Kesh kanti oil is the best tonic for hairs in todays world of dirt and pollution .It nourishes your hair from roots to upper part. although smRead more...
Elixir in its true form
Reviewed kent Pearl 15 L RO + UV +UF Water Purifier
Kent RO is the best choice in water filters today. This elegant purifier covers all the needs of our household. Not only it makes our water worth drinking butRead more...
Give your hairs a new life
Reviewed Kesh King Hair Oil
Kesh king hair oil is the best hair oil for the people facing problems like hairfall,roughness of hairs,dry scalp, etc. It is like one solution for all problRead more...
The Superphone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016)
Galaxy A7 is a very good smartphone with feature like 3gb ram, a great camera, battery is quite okay otherwise sound is also good. the best thing about thisRead more...
No value for money
Reviewed Snapdeal
I got dissapointed by your service once ive ordered a saree for my mother but that product lacks quality finishing of that saree was too bad. then I cRead more...
Quite trustworthy and genuine
Reviewed Flipkart
Flipkart is a very nice online marketing firm I really appreciate thier work and product quality but sometimes it is observed that what they are showing in Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on danieldeepika66's review
Rated on ojhamonish's review
Commented on rimalroma123's review
this guy has just given specifications of that particular phone.. what's review in that?????
Rated on rimalroma123's review
Rated on abhishek115899's review
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