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Member Since:Jun 21, 2006
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Reviewed Daewoo Cielo Executive
Dear friends, A see a lot of reviews here about Cielo and almost all are positive. Just as wellbecause Cielo deserves it. I bought mine for 1.8 lakh back inRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on zack's review
World's ugliest sedan. What is MUL up to? Even East German Trabant looked better.
Commented on mjacob1974's review
the honda city and ikon guys were probably in mood to race otherwise they would have left your truck in the dust.
Commented on CrazyOnCielo's review
I fully agree with you. Mine is Canterbury Green and oh God it glistens even in night. Like Mabeline liquid gloss lipstick, the car just shines like no other car available in this country even today. The second thing is the exhaust note. Pure orgasmic.
Commented on divakargokhale's review
Mr. Speedbuster, Mondeo might have gotten better ratings abroad but in Indian context Sonata is far more popular. Things are a little different in India. Lancer, the world's darling boy-racer sedan is beaten by Accent in India. Isn't it strange?
Commented on mobike008's review
Great review indeed. Much better than my review about Cielo. Your review makes me wonder if I should go for Viva. But I just hate Verna's looks. Whatdyasay?
Commented on hirankr's review
You seem to have put down Tata cars too much. Brits? The lesser said about them the better. First they sold Rover, then Jaguar, then Rolls and they have not a single car which they can call British. They scrapped Concorde. What next? May be one of these days they will sell Tower Bridge, Buckingh Read More...
Commented on ss_gary's review
Mr Shank210. You seem to have put down Tata cars too much. VW may be a better car than Indica. Does a VW sell at the price of an Indica? Why don't u see that? In fact the price at which VW sells, it ought to have been much better than it is. Sure, if Accents and Indigos sell at same price people wi Read More...
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