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Member Since:Oct 25, 2002
0 MS Points
Overall, I am a quiet kind of person, and generally like to sip Cappucino at Barista. But weekends do find me driving my bike outside Pune on the highway. One of the things I love the most is heavy metal, may the gods thank Lemmy. Metallica is forever tops, though I am trying to locate and listen to the older Bands like Budgie, Discharge etc... any info on where I can find these tracks is welcome!!. Interests? Well you could start with motorcycing, trekking, sipping coffee... but Metallica comes out tops always. And yea, you could add Geek stuff, Starcraft/Broodwar too (mail me if you need any strats). I guess thats enuff for now.. when I feel you have digested this much, I will add more :D
About Me
Education: BE
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Pure Ecztacy
Reviewed S&M - Metallica
The first time I heard about it, I turned my nose up. Metallica! With an Orchestra!!! But, fortunately, I was living in a hostel, and my neighbor blasted Read more...
The Gods of Metal
Reviewed Garage Inc - Vol 2
I heard Garage for the first time about a year and a half back, and since, I can count on my fingers the no of days that I didnt listen to a single track fromRead more...
Reviewed Meet Joe Black
I wont write about the plot, as there is already a review which comments on that. What I love about the movie is the chemistry between Brad Pitt and Claire FRead more...
Good for amateurs
Reviewed Kodak Camera KB-12
I wanted to buy a cheap camera just to get comfy with the thing, and thats when I approached a shop showcasing a lot of Kodak cameras. I bought the KB 12 plusRead more...
Sturdy Contender
Reviewed NEC DB2000
Although I was able to be with my NEC DB2000 for 2 months only, I enjoyed every bit of it (One trip to lonavla on my bike found it bathing in the rains for 3 Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Xamis's review
Man, I wrote a review on S&M myself... and what you have written is what I was searching for words to express!! I really dont understand y people simply brand somthing without taking the pains to find out what the end result was! Kudos to metallica for showing that music knows no boundaries. Read More...
Commented on Feather's review
Ya, I guess the one factor binding all of us here is that the reviews are written by those who have experienced the product, not by those who want to sell it. That makes it all the more believable. Cheers!! Prashant
Rated on dazzlingpiscean's review
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