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Member Since:Nov 08, 2012
0 MS Points
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Bloody Looters Be careful
Reviewed Shopyourworld
This website is involved in money laundering &  frauds and none of the order will ever get delivered at all but still they will convince order is on the way  Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on sureshshivdasani's review
Commented on sureshshivdasani's review
simply dont believe
Rated on rsjaggi55's review
Rated on p1979's review
Commented on p1979's review
12 positive out of 68 where did the 12 come from?
Rated on ravinayar's review
Rated on madangupta1234's review
Rated on sureshshivdasani33's review
Commented on sureshshivdasani33's review
All public are bosted by the products and price and 15 day delivery on the site but the truth is none of them will ever get delivered . so spread the word not to shop on the website http://shopyourworld.com
Rated on Suparna1812's review
Commented on Suparna1812's review
is this review to satisfy yourself? wht about other feed back prove your authenticity by any means . they are very popular cheaters and big time fraud makers ! look at consumer complaints online. not everyone take time to post their frustration with the SYW site/service
Commented on hemashivdasani's review
its fake i suspect authenticity of the reviewer
Rated on hemashivdasani's review
I cant believe when hundreds report problem with the seller and you got it shipped. unbelivable
Rated on amar73's review
Commented on amar73's review
dont be lured with all the gadgets you will only burn your money/time and in return you will get frustrated with these guys and give up your money instead calling wasting your money again and again?
Rated on asinha260's review
Rated on zjdika's review
Commented on zjdika's review
i dont think they are commited to what they say all the time they have same answer. may be you are trying to be good to yourself.
Rated on faisalbabu's review
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