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Member Since:Jan 22, 2011
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Roli and Simar are the proper Indian bahus
Reviewed Sasural Simar Ka
In this age, that serial is the most stupidest serial...first fools bhardwaj paivar, 2nd fool kushi and 3rd fool roli....and 4th foo.....we audience to watch Read more...
Some new episodes required
Reviewed Colors
Hi Colors Intially I was a fan of all the serials but now the story line is getting sick.Let me explain Haamari Saas Leela-Revenge b/n dil and mil Sasural Read more...
Confusion thy name balika vadhu
Reviewed Balika Vadhu
Hi Is Jagya a hero/king with 3 gals behind him.Have the story writers lost sense? First anandi, next he becomes doctor and marries Gauri. Now what was exacRead more...
October 2011 episodes
Reviewed Uttaran
Ha Ha most stupid story seen in life. Icha will tell she gotTtapsyas baby in toofani raat....cant they ask her from where? Are people so stupid.It showsRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on ushajrmn's review
Commented on ushajrmn's review
Dont be so emotional about serials.......and what do you mean by true love.....veer is now taking care of tapasya .....he say bcoz of the child....once the child grows up...it will want both its parents affection....and then veer will start loving tappu....i think ....either tappu or icha should die Read More...
Commented on chalojai's review
you are right it is a totally waste serial.....in this age of live in relationship ...girls are so confident of themselves....here they are showing only pregnancy as the main reason for veer to come close to tapaasya....and tapsya being happy about it...what about all the childless couples....wont t Read More...
Rated on farhashaheen's review
Rated on chalojai's review
Commented on sunilparkhe777's review
You are absoultely right ....the story write should be put behind bars for writing such storis and tv board airing such shows for such a long time
Rated on sunilparkhe777's review
Commented on 0arpitadahiya's review
Yes you are right no one would like to share their own brother and sister with their parents...here they expect tapasya to share her life with ichha Though what happened to jogi was an accident.....he could have helped icha and her mother in their house...as though all kids who lose father ...g Read More...
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