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Member Since:Dec 26, 2009
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An individual with a lot of positivism--Honest, Spiritual & Smart in his own ways and believes: ''Love is ALL that IS.''. Music, Books, Movies & Cricket etc.
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T.V. Shows: Sa re ga ma pa on Zee TV is a show I am most regular with.
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A “Guzaarish” to be alive & kicking :)
Reviewed Guzaarish
It is an honest film I must say and if I am as honest as the film is then I shall agree that tear drops fell a little more generously than they usually do. I Read more...
3 Idiots—All is very-very well!
Reviewed 3 Idiots
Finally the wait is over and the frenzy returns and that too with a big bang. It is a classic example of movie making at its vintage best. Congratulations toRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on nilanjana_dey's review
Great review Nilanjana. I agree that the movie justifies the phrase- Art for Art's Sake which is truly applaudable. Cheers Aditya
Rated on nilanjana_dey's review
Commented on own review
Hi Aarini, Thank you very much for your valuable feedback. I thought I got your message behind terming a thing as ''this thing'' or ''that thing''. At the moment I was just trying to focus on the objective reality. The creative journey should continue of course :) Cheers Aditya
Commented on Aarini's review
:) oh yeah...I think watching this movie again would be a good idea...it’’ll perhaps enrich us with more thoughts...
Hi Aarini, Your review above captures the essence of the movie. Very well written! It's indeed a movie to be felt. Keep it up :) Cheers Aditya
Rated on Aarini's review
Javeed Sir: Thank you very much!
Many thanks Supratik, Mazhar, Jadoo, Ruchir & Sikander. Your feedback are valuable and gives me a lot of encouragement. Sikander: I appreciate your feedback; however, I am not really comparing these two movies. Personally I liked both the movies very much.
Commented on nicefriend's review
Hey ...really nice review on this movie....check out my review of 3 idiots....
Rated on nicefriend's review
Hi Mazhar & Nabhanshu, Thanks to you both for the encouraging words. Best regards, Aditya
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