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Member Since:Nov 28, 2007
0 MS Points
Shh.......!. Cricket, Formula1, Tennis.
About Me
Education: BE
Food and Drinks: Sea Food and BeerBooks: Wings of fire, Swamy & his friends, Kannada literatureMovie Stars: Rajkumar, Ramesh, Amitabh, Adam SandlerMovies: ManyT.V. Shows: MTV Roadies, Big BossMusic: AnyQuotes: Jo Jeetha Wahi Sikandar
Food and Drinks: Sea Food and Beer
Books: Wings of fire, Swamy & his friends, Kannada literature
Movie Stars: Rajkumar, Ramesh, Amitabh, Adam Sandler
Movies: Many
T.V. Shows: MTV Roadies, Big Boss
Music: Any
Quotes: Jo Jeetha Wahi Sikandar
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Gaalipata Flying High
Reviewed Gaalipata
A much awaited movie has been released which has got lots of expectations after "Mungaru Male" with the combination of director Yograj Bhat and actor Ganesh iRead more...
A Superb Movie
Reviewed Aa Dinagalu
A superb movie, hats off to the team who made this movie. A real story and songs made me to watch this movie. Initially I thought this movie will have violeRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on rajivmehta001's review
Commented on rajivmehta001's review
Anybody in the world can say this as a ultimate fake review.
Rated on raviranjan.521's review
Rated on sid2110's review
Rated on chitramanju's review
Commented on chitramanju's review
Thanks for the review. I actually went there last week to get the details but they didn't have the facility which I was looking for and it saved me.
Rated on ashokdas's review
Rated on indian1969's review
Rated on nithin.papdeja's review
Rated on sndaya's review
Commented on sndaya's review
Nice review ! I'm going to visit Hampi this weekend. Thanks D:-)
Rated on mai_selph's review
Commented on mai_selph's review
I'm going to visit Hampi this weekend and found this review good as I was searching for it online !! Thanks M:-)
Rated on Debarati's review
Commented on Debarati's review
Your review prompted me to read the book, thanks D!
Rated on thakurman's review
Commented on thakurman's review
I've never read De's articles and your review made me 'no need to read it, if so'.
Rated on Veekey's review
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