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Member Since:Jun 19, 2007
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Doctors of Dr.Batra
Reviewed Dr Batra's Clinic - Lokhandwala - Mumbai
I am one of the dumb one who seeing at the promos went to Dr.batras.Seeing the clinic I felt it is good.One women by name Dr.Anees Fathima (Jayanagar clRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed DrBatrasHealth
Commented on astrofreak1234's review
also read my review on 'doctors of Dr.Batra' where i have shared my experience.
Hi Dvln, My main intention here is to prevent people from getting cheated. Two years is a lot of time with no improvement and also the original condition worsens and your doctor asks you to pay for another year and think posiively->I will be the dumbest person on earth to do it. Homeopat Read More...
Commented on trehankc's review
We should definitely complain sir.This is daylight robbery.I am with you sir.
Rated on chornoo's review
Rated on nmdsalim26's review
Rated on astrofreak1234's review
absolute bakwas i feel she is a doctor of dr batras or receptionist
Commented on arun_saini008's review
Hi arun, There will be no senior doctor.When my two year term was ending they gave me call that one specialist doctor from mumbai is coming and they said he will be available only this saturday.As i was a bit busy that week also at that time i knew these people were hi-tech beggars.I said i canno Read More...
Commented on mouthshutidforgiri's review
Dude, If you have faith in homeopathy go to ordinary homeopathy doctors.If it doesn't work u can leave the treatment with no major losses.But Batra's it is a trap before starting the treatment u have to pay the full money and they have doctors whom they have taken just by the mere looks(nice ha Read More...
Hi tanna, People fall prey to Dr.Batra seeing the publicity and infrastructure of the clinic. When i visited the Bangalore jayanagar clinic the head doctor Dr.Anees Fathima was so professional in cheating that i did not smell any foul.It was only when i have paid the full amount,started seeing Read More...
I feel tanna she might be a doctor or some receptionist who is now into marketing.Boy!! she is too good at this.Tanna i suggest get a job where people appreciate your work not curse u like 'b***h,Go to hell like that'.Read my review on 'doctors of Dr.Batra,Jayanagar ,Bangalore' clinic if u continue Read More...
Rated on soumitrahotelier's review
Commented on soumitrahotelier's review
whenever i had a consulation with the doctor he used to type a lot in the computer.Now i really got what he was typing.Thanks doctor for the post!!!mystery is solved:)
Commented on chattysoo's review
one funny incident happened with me too.Regular doctor who sees me was on leave so they directed me to another doctor for any questions i asked him he used to say what did the other doctor say about it,and when i said that he used to say he is correct u should follow it.And in the end of discussion Read More...
Commented on rajmoghe's review
Dr batra's are total fake.Best is take treatment without paying any big amount say 14,000 per year pay for only the consultation if it doesn't improve leave dr.batras. Arindam might be some lungur doctor of Batra's.(who doesn't have any homeopathic degree)
Commented on vasuchn's review
Hi do not go to batra's.If u want u can try dr.venkat he is a hair transplant surgeon.But do not go blindly by my advice.Enquire lot of patients who have undergone these treatment and then only give it a shot.
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