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Member Since:Jan 17, 2007
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Really a Car To Go Fida
Reviewed Ford Fiesta
Do you like to drive around corners? Do you want a car that handles brilliantly? Do u want a car that has the capacity to absorb patholes? Do you want to haveRead more...
This is not what we expect from Hyundai!
Reviewed Hyundai Verna
Hyundai verna is serious about its performance but really poor in handling. Hyundai verna which is more than 100 bhp in spec really failed in handling and ridRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
hope u didnt investigate regarding the vernas big accident in cochin. it justifies my comments regarding verna. at high speeds stability is a big problem for verna to be frank aveo s better handler than verna
Commented on goutham_bala's review
can find a lot of reasons to buy a car. every buyer is different as well as evry car is. but the thing is that ver few will buy a car that suits their needs others fall for cute sales persons, magazines and advrtsment. So there are a lot of points to be considered before buying a car. Acording to me Read More...
Rated on NeverAgainMandovi's review
Commented on NeverAgainMandovi's review
i dunno why this guy took 8 visits to analyze the problem with mandovi. it itself says that this review is a cooked up one... sorry bobby this is too bad dont mislead others
here am comparing about fiesta and verna which i had tested. the question is asked is really a stupid one since i didnt mentioned anything about other cars other than verna and fiesta. so read my review if u r confused of taking verna and fiesta. if u had any questions regarding other cars let me Read More...
Commented on fatehbajwa's review
Dear All, Hyundai Verna VGT had a terrible accident in cochin. Its heard that cars understeering and unsettled rear played villians here. At the time of the accident guys were doing 140km/hr(truly amazing). But it killed a lot of people. To all racy guys i got one advice to you. dont race ur vern Read More...
if u cant differencte betwn review and qustn paper i dunno how to help you am sorry my frnd.
haha i think u r really getting tensed!! actually if u had brught a good product then there is no need to be restless like this. it is clear that u r unconfortable with ur verna
i brught fiesta tdci sxi which is costlier than verna. and read my reviews fully. You can verfiy my points with auto experts. ok if u think that hyundai verna vgt is great performer and handler thats it.. but it may not be appealing to me becoz my driving style is different. i cant compramise in han Read More...
Rated on ofcourse_harsh's review
Commented on ofcourse_harsh's review
Dont ever write a review like this. Noone will find this as useful. Hindi mein bola thoo 'Bakwaas'. Sir car is not for sleeping it is used to travel to different places. And road conditions are different from state to state. The way the car behaves is really important since diesel cars are mainly us Read More...
Rated on fatehbajwa's review
I think you have not testdriven both cars properly. Even 1500 kms in odo didnt give you enough feedbacks that is reflecting in your review. Actually both Verna VGT and Fiesta TDCI are entirely different. Actually i think its a biased review. Fiesta TDCI is a drviers car in all sense that you can ref Read More...
Commented on pviren's review
I think this review is not useful in anyways.. Handling cannot be judged perfectly in highways. Its published everywhere and everyone knows that Verna is not a good handler with its torque steer and unsettled rear. This review will misjudge one who likes to drive. To be frank verna is not a car to d Read More...
Commented on alexblore's review
hyundai which is famous for its diesel engine performance failed drastically in petrol models. Y cant they outperform Honda Vtechs, Ford Fiesta 1.6 in that league. Even 100+ bhp in paper y they r not exciting to ride. We all go for petrol models for smooth efficient and lots of power engines. if mil Read More...
Rated on alexblore's review
Rated on crosswire's review
Dear nayakan, i had wrote about Verna diesel not petrol. Regarding brakes you should mention which one u r drving i mean ABS or without ABS. All automagazines and BS motoring PET test reported that Vernas braking distance is more than fiesta. Leave Honda it is not advisable to drive honda along sha Read More...
monkbychoice (@monkbychoiceMouthShut Verified Member)
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S Saran (@trozorroMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anand Patil (@RichlivetradeMouthShut Verified Member)