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Member Since:Sep 28, 2016
160 MS Points
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Called as the pink city of india.
Reviewed Jaipur
Jaipur is yhe most famous city of Rajasthan and it is also beautiful for its view.I live in jodhpur so I came here most of times. Every time I come here I alwRead more...
The capital of india
Reviewed New Delhi
Delhi is the capital of india and after visit delhi everyone knew why is delhi capital of india.delhi is in most devlop city in india.So if you come here fromRead more...
Best show for who love cooking
Reviewed MasterChef India
Master chef is the best show based on cooking and it is also a unique show.It gives a another level to indian cooking.every one also thanks to star plus for tRead more...
I am loving it
Reviewed Tutak Tutak Tutiya
Nice movie and a good combination of horror and comedy scense. again the acting skill of prabhudeva killed it.but this time he is in comic roll. in supportiveRead more...
My place jodhpur
Reviewed Jodhpur
I live in jodhpur and jodhpur is my favourite place also. there is a no. of place to visit in jodhpur. mehrangadh fort is the best place to visit in jodhpur. Read more...
Nice place to go
Reviewed Goa
Goa is a tourist place near mumbai and it is the best place to go out with friends. I went there with friends last year on my collage tour and I enjoyed so muRead more...
Puri is a lovely place in india
Reviewed Puri
Puri is a lovely place not also in odisa but also in india to visit. Its also a religious place for hindu. There is a lot of trains to puri from diferent citiRead more...
Love to play game on ps4
Reviewed Sony Playstation 4
Sony is the best company in playstations and ps4 is the updated version of ps3. the Graphics of ps4 is the better from ps3 and I love to play Game on ps4. asRead more...
It is my best phone
Reviewed Motorola Moto G (3rd Generation)
The best phone I ever buy. The sound Quality of this phone is the best I love its speakers and its sound in headphones. its 5 inches display screen and its boRead more...
It is my dream bike
Reviewed Yamaha FZ-S FI V2.0
Yamaha FZ is my dream bike. I love to ride on this bike. Its handling and control are fab. looks of the bike is so much preety.I buy it and I like it so much.Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed dhimanshikha32
Followed akshpari1 , paras298 , toufeeqa , akshaylalu , Hitesh95
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Testpg Test (@TestPGMouthShut Verified Member)
Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ruchi bhardwaj (@ruchibhardwaj1429MouthShut Verified Member)
Soha Elbadry (@sohaelbadry25MouthShut Verified Member)
Atul Chandan Menon (@menonatulMouthShut Verified Member)
Gautam Deka (@dekagautam37MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ritesh Kumar (@Rksinha009MouthShut Verified Member)
Vikrant Acharya (@Livspace_officialMouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Harish Gadwal (@harish191MouthShut Verified Member)
Sayalee Agrawal (@SayaleeAgrawal258MouthShut Verified Member)
Ananta Kr. Roy (@krinnovateMouthShut Verified Member)
sangeeta shah (@chinikum2408MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 15