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Member Since:Oct 28, 2007
2 MS Points
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Innovate or Sink
Reviewed Oyo Rooms
I have had Google map like experiences with Oyo, like landing in places where I did not want to go or booking rooms deemed premium but not worth a shack! HereRead more...
Beautiful Car, Under powered and low on mileage
Reviewed Chevrolet Sail 1.2 LS
I have had Fiat, a Maruti 800 and an Esteem before. My sail sedan ls is now over a year old. Its a white beauty. The air-conditioning works perfectly and everRead more...
Human Face Sucks!! Technology Saves the Day!!
Reviewed ICICI Bank
I am one of the million odd customers who loves the Online Banking Tech of ICICI Bank. But God Save Me and anyone one of you when technology fails. Since theyRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Review@30K Kilometres, 4.5 years 1. Right lower arm and both shockers changed. 2. The front panel rattling has come back. 3. Mileage is steady at 10kmpl 4. AC gas refilled 5. APO changed, finally, so now I can charge my cell phone 6. Pick up holding on 7. Slight sound coming from timing, let& Read More...
@22K I have already changed the front lower arm after almost a year of groaning on bumps and 5 visits to Orange Chevrolet to diagnose the issue and a huge escalation from my side. They (service station) are so bad that it borders satire. The rear shocks too have been groaning. I might soon have to Read More...
Review@11500 KMs: Mileage: Under 10 consistent Door Rattling Issues (Front Left) AC-Awesome Tyres: Seems to be holding on good Overall: I should have bought a Diesel Car :( The Mileage is a killer.
Updated review @9K kilometers. Had one funny breakdown. The rubber washer on clutch pedal was loose and used to frequently get stuck to some mysterious part of my leather shoes. One day the clutch pedal came all the way up to the dashboard base... And kaboom!, I lost the clutch. Two hours later a be Read More...
Commented on surojitgoswami's review
Quite the same review here. I get an average of abouy 8.75 kmpl. They tweaked the engine, brought down the power but increased the mileage by another 500 metres (LOL). It is now about 9.25 KMPL. AC is good.
Updated review @ 6000 Kilometers and 18 months: Power: Low. Struggles to overtake a zealous Auto Driver. Mileage: Maxs' out at about 9.00KMPL in Hyderabad city on AC, single occupancy AC: Very good. Thank God for small mercies. KUN Service: No Heart. Had to send the car about 4 times in Read More...
I have clocked about 4K in 13 months
Not really. The car has a major mileage problem. Mine went into 3 services with the same issue. No change. Depressing!!!
Deleted this Duplicate Review
The above review is quite an old one. I am sure someone in the bank would have pissed me off real bad. Looking back, they are not all that bad! I stand by what I said about their Technology, it is admirable. However, over years of interaction, I know atleast one employee who is fabulous. The rest, u Read More...
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