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Member Since:Aug 24, 2015
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RO Water shockingly tastes like plastic chemical
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Aquaguard Geneus RO + UV +UF Water Purifier
Just got installed yesterday a brand new Eureka Forbes Geneus+ water purifier after waiting for two weeks for it to get delivered. The sales man Mr Ramanar, Read more...
EurekaForbes Geneus+ shockingly tastes plastic
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Aquasure Storage Water Purifier Supreme
Just got installed yesterday a brand new EurekaForbes Geneus+Â Â water purifier after waiting for two weeks for it to get delivered. The sales man Mr Ramanar, Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
It is now over 45 days since I made the payment of Rs 22490 for the Geneus plus modal from Eureka Forbes. Till now we haven't got a single glass of drinkable water from the machine and we are only buying water from outside for all cooking purposes. The service team finally acknowledged that there Read More...
The problem has not been resolved yet. Though we received a replacement unit, it had the same problem of chemical tasting water and within two hours of installation we raised the complaint. Mr Arun from Chennai Water Labs, Guindy, came and said it is the rubber beneath the UV unit that has gotten he Read More...
I am happy to inform the readers that today we received a replacement unit of Geneus Plus. Many thanks to Mr Meenakshi Sundaram and Mr Prem from Chennai - Eureka Forbes. Now we hope and pray that at least the new unit will function as it is supposed to be.
Nobody contacted us even today, and we are still stuck with the water from Geneus plus model that is tasting like plastic chemical. I don't know how dangerous it is to consume this water. If the taste is so in tolerably disgusting and loaded with chemical then what serious illness can this cause to Read More...
Eureka Forbes revealing its true colors! Finally, today a service person came to attend the issue. He cleaned the tank, and since the chlorine tables were mysteriously missing in our new box, he got it from another sales person and used it to clean the tank. Then he told us the problem has been f Read More...
After making several calls spending hours on phone with them the last two days still nobody even showed up to check the issue. As such they took two weeks to deliver the product. I asked about refund but the customer service is unapologetic and simply refuses. Looks like I am now stuck with this nas Read More...
Commented on sriram_k1986's review
Just today we installed the Geneus Plus water purifier from Eureka Forbes and we are also having the similar problem. The water smells and tastes like plastic chemical. My contact No is (044) 24744150.
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