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Member Since:Apr 21, 2017
220 MS Points
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Nivea UV protect Body lotion
Reviewed Nivea Whitening Cell Repair & UV Protect Body Lotion
This is a best product for whitening cell Repair and UV protect. This product comes in a cute packing with flip flop cap. The curved side makes it easy to hanRead more...
Hair Gel for unique hairstyle
Reviewed Set Wet Hair Gel
Some years ago my friends were not used to praises about my hairstyle. I didnt have unique hairstyle. Then I go at a shop nearby my home. He suggested mRead more...
Awesome Face Pack
Reviewed Lotus Herbals Rosetone Rose Petals Facial Skin Toner
It is easy to prepare and smells great. Collect few rose petals and blend them in the blender or grinder nicely. You can now add some glycerin to this. The coRead more...
Men's face wash
Reviewed Garnier Men Face Wash Power White Double Action
Hi everyone ! I will review the new face wash from Garnier men. This face wash is the new Garnier double action face wash. Yes the same one which has two colRead more...
Divya Gulab Jal
Reviewed Patanjali Divya Gulab Jal
Patanjali Gulab Jal is a wonderful solution fir skin problems. You can use it to clean your face. It helps to remove dust and open the pores of your skin.it sRead more...
Coconut hair wash
Reviewed Patanjali Kesh Kanti Coconut Hair Wash
This is a best product is made up of natural herbs that make your hair soft. Regular use of this hair wash provide nutrients to your hair and increases the stRead more...
Very bad creme
Reviewed Fair and Lovely Anti Marks Cream
It it very bad quality product. My friend told me about fair & lovely creme for acne treatment and face brightness but when I used this product on my face I Read more...
Patanjali Sun Screen Cream
Reviewed Patanjali Sun Screen Cream
This ia a best combination of natural herbs that provide protection to your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. It consists of herbal supplements that provRead more...
Patanjali Herbal shaving Gel
Reviewed Patanjali Herbal Shave Gel
This is the best shave gel.it is made up of natural herbs that nourishing your skin and prevents it from inflammation. It is a natural shave cream as it is maRead more...
Candy that we love
Reviewed Pass Pass Pulse Candy
We all know about passpass company which produces mouth fresheners. And now it has started producing candies. Those candies are loved by maximum people. AtRead more...
Patanjali Amla candy
Reviewed Patanjali Amla Candy
Amla candy is a natural supplement of vitamin C. It is one of the best vitamin C supplement that help in improving immune system. Amla is known for ages that Read more...
Best hair oil
Reviewed Patanjali Almond Hair Oil
Patanjali Almond kesh oil is a combination of natural herbs and natural extracts of almonds to prevent hair fall. This natural hair oil give you smooth hair.Read more...
Patanjali Moisturizing Cream
Reviewed Patanjali Aloe Vera Moisturizing Cream
Friends this is the best natural moisturizer. It is a natural face cleansers that provide you smooth and beautiful skin. Thank you It helps in balancing theRead more...
Reviewed Lakme Clean-up Clear Pores Face Wash
This skin care range has worked wonders on my skins texture and made it smoother and brighter. Also, the immediate finish it gives to the skin after theRead more...
Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel
Reviewed Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel
This is one product that you must keep in your house, so that you can easily treat the kitchen burns and other injuries without wasting time. The uses of aloeRead more...
Don't buy Lenovo vibe k4
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K4 Note
Friends please dont buy Lenovo vibe k4. Very bad quality of this mobile phone. Not good feature sound quality is very bad. Not much space you cantRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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