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Member Since:Feb 21, 2008
0 MS Points
a lazy bum!!!. bikes.. cars. racin.. stunts..
About Me
Education: B Tech
Food and Drinks: nething.. that satisfies my hunger and thirst.. !!Books: auto magz.. my techincal reference txts.. Movie Stars: srk.. mohanlal. saifalikhan.. hemamalini.. rekha..preetizinta... rani... its a long list!!!Movies: many. T.V. Shows: motogp.. f1 over hauling..great machines..sbk wrc.. etc.Music: all kinda.. Quotes: fear can hold u prisoner hope can set u free.. keep smiling .. cheers!!!
Food and Drinks: nething.. that satisfies my hunger and thirst.. !!
Books: auto magz.. my techincal reference txts..
Movie Stars: srk.. mohanlal. saifalikhan.. hemamalini.. rekha..preetizinta... rani... its a long list!!!
Movies: many.
T.V. Shows: motogp.. f1 over hauling..great machines..sbk wrc.. etc.
Music: all kinda..
Quotes: fear can hold u prisoner hope can set u free.. keep smiling .. cheers!!!
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Yamah rules so does R 15
Reviewed Yamaha R15
I am a regular visitor of mouthshut.com.. I am from kerala. today (23/06/08) was the date of lauch of R15 in kerala.=i was lucky to ride R 15 all thanks to myRead more...
Yamah rx 135 5 speed!!
Reviewed Yamaha RX135
I am an yamaha fanatic. right frm the time I startd lovin bikes. and i own a yamaha RX 135 5speed.it has an expansion chamber and does 130kmph widout any eaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on 82.harish's review
Commented on venugv's review
hello venugv..i have read ur review.. i wuld like to tell u a few things abt the bike first of all this a four stroke bike so nevr compare it to the 2 strokers.. thn abt this bike R15 it is completely build in unit.. the engine is not indian make.. that means the pistons are forged not like the cast Read More...
Rated on venugv's review
Commented on vamsibadugu's review
good job ... liked ur review.. i do not own one.. but got the chance to ride this bike.. for alomost some 50 km.. within a week cz one of my friend bought it.. i totally agree with what u have said..
Followed vamsibadugu
Rated on vamsibadugu's review
Followed ravi316
Commented on john_cool_123's review
hello mr.M_STHOSH... u dont knw wht an rd is thats why are sayin all thse stupid things.. eithr ride one or ask someone who owns one.. then u will nevr make such state ments publicly!!!
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