I am a regular visitor of mouthshut.com.. I am from kerala. today (23/06/08) was the date of lauch of R15 in kerala.=i was lucky to ride R 15 all thanks to my friend who owns the showroom!!abt the bike: the R15 bike which can beat any production bike in India from any stable , in
a quarter mile, in a straight line, at the corners and in traffic” cz bike is small. but as goes the sayin of ROLLS ROYCE.."SMALL THINGS MAKE PERFECTION!!"... initial a bit low but once acclearated nothn can beat it.( pulsar sucks!!).YAMAHA Rules!!-
The Yamaha YZF R15 It is based on totally race technology with which MotoGP bikes runs, technology with which R1 is built. first 150cc 4 valve engine. and the most noticable things is it has got "Forged Pistons" that means the pistons are strong wont get seized while ripping and no need to seat the bike by riding at 40kmph to get the bikes engine in a good condition!!!! . It ihas a Diasil Cylinder. the
"Deltabox frame" purely ment for racing and handling at curves.. , again based on the YAMAHA R1. And it is India’s first Bike with a 6speed gear box after the legendary 2 stroke RDs.
It is Fuel Injected.The rear tyres though are only a mere 100, MRF uses
imported Soft compound to give it better grip than similar sized tyres for more mileage and performance, handling....
.. no words actually cz its YAMAHA!! looks from the front is amazing .. from the back not very appealin though.. and breakin really impressive..
it has just "17ps "and weighs jus 130 kg..
i could drive it arnd 118kmph at fouth gear !!so no need to mention abt the top speed on the 6th gear..good handling at the curves. head lamps are classy.. . I really loved the ride.. only thing is the price its 1 lack 6thousand on road here in trivandrum kerala... trust me the bike is superb in handling control breakin and looks from the front~~!!! IF the price wasnt that high I wuld prefer this bike for the ppl who are lookin for pulsar 220 and karizmas.. for evryone out thre.. once more YAMAHA RULZ!!