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Member Since:Jan 03, 2016
231 MS Points
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Samsung's crap
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Core
I not the phone three years back and now its like a torcher of using it. The phone costed me around 14 thousand and its not worth of it. Camera-wRead more...
The beauty & the beast in mid range
Reviewed OnePlus X
I was really impressed by oneplus by their entery in mobile industry & killing the falgships with their very reasonable proce but this time the have targeted Read more...
A highly priced Samsung phone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy E5
I started using galaxy e5 8 months back and here is my review on it- I bought it for rs16500 from a local store. First I liked the smartphone but then I starRead more...
A Good one
Reviewed Gionee Pioneer P3
Hey guys I have been using gionee p4 from over 2 months & here its my review in it- Gionee is a chinese company who has made a very good impact in IndiRead more...
Reviewed On Air With AIB
Aib is popular all over India and is one of the popular YouTube channel in India. On air with Aib is a comedy show which is available in both English & Hindi.Read more...
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J5
Hey guys im using galaxy j5 from months and here is my review on it- Desing-Design wise it is typical samsung design with plastic all over the body and chromRead more...
Leader of online shopping
Reviewed Amazon
Hey guys, I shop on amazon.in a lot of things and here is my review about it- Amazon.in is my favourite online shopping site & I shop most of my things from Read more...
A good family entertaining show.
Reviewed Comedy Nights with Kapil
Im watching comedy nights with kapil for almost 1 year & here what I feel about it. Kapil has been a very good entertainer from starting & I should say this sRead more...
Value for money
Reviewed Wave: The Wave Mall - Ferozepur Road - Ludhiana
I have watched several movies in wave cinemas & here is my review what I feel about it-The viewing experience in this theater is great. It has a large screenRead more...
Reviewed Flipkart
A good online shopping website not the best but decent. I shop a lot of things online from different websites.I would say that it is a good shopping partner &Read more...
Reviewed Yu Yuphoria
Hi everyone, Im using yuphoria from few months & bere is my review on it. It is a good phone in this price range & offers a lot for this price. DISPLAYRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on samirsharma27512's review
Commented on pallaviplpatwaripa's review
Good as honey
Rated on pallaviplpatwaripa's review
Commented on vivkdesai's review
Good one bro
Rated on vivkdesai's review
Commented on own review
Thanks very much
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Rated on rahilshaikh8460734's review
Rated on syedtcb's review
Rated on payalk832's review
Commented on mmpages's review
U inspect things well
Rated on mmpages's review
Rated on kishorkishor14143's review
Followed maheshtripathi8
Commented on prashantshinde42's review
Nailed it bro
Rated on prashantshinde42's review
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