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Member Since:Feb 18, 2016
101 MS Points
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Bajaj platina mileage
Reviewed Bajaj Platina 100 ES Alloy
Bajaj platina is a good bike for people who prefer mileage bike because the mile of bike is so good its gives mileage around 85 kmpl so its good because mileaRead more...
Hero honda karizma R
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma R
Its a nice bike to buy karizma r is stylish and comfortable bike with great look karizama r ia 220c air cooled four stroke  bike with a good handling this bikRead more...
A good movie to watch
Reviewed Airlift
Airlift lift is must watch movie by every indian because the story. Airlift is very strong this movie show real life incident when 1.50 lakhs indians were stuRead more...
Sanam re a good movie
Reviewed Sanam Re
Today I watched sanam re I already watched movie trailer which was very attractive and the songs of this movie is awesome its movie is directed by divya khoslRead more...
Freedom 251
Reviewed Ringing Bells Freedom 251
It a mirecal to launch a mobile phone in just Rs 251 but actully it happend in the form of freedom 251 this phone is lunched by ring bells telephone company oRead more...
A fantastic bike come from bajaj
Reviewed Bajaj V
Bajaj has launched his new bike made from the metal of INS vikrant the aircraft carrier of India, the bike is different from other at it carries a feel of patRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed khulamunh
Followed fenil_seta
Commented on SandeepSolanki's review
very nice bike and short but good review
Rated on SandeepSolanki's review
Commented on rv_188's review
roya enfiled is nice bike and good review
Commented on abahl1989's review
royal enfiled is awsome bike and sound all so awsome
Rated on abahl1989's review
Commented on lanerremo's review
royal enfiels is a awsome bike thanks for review
Rated on lanerremo's review
Commented on ravisaw66226's review
bajaj pulsar 220 is good bike nice review
Rated on ravisaw66226's review
Commented on anishmelvin097's review
tvs scooty is good acoording to oyher
Rated on anishmelvin097's review
Commented on lakhanotralalji143's review
tvs jupitar is a nice scooter good review
Rated on lakhanotralalji143's review
Commented on gaurav2561997's review
tvs jupitar 110 is a good scooter
Rated on gaurav2561997's review
Commented on pandeyneeraj014's review
sony vaio is nice laptop with good feature
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