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Member Since:Apr 10, 2017
420 MS Points
am the pperson whu lives with reality , and never likes fake peoples in my lif, so fake peoples stay away.
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Sony xperia xz
Reviewed Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Hello guys if taking about this rediculous mobile sony xperia 4A I will never suggest to you that purchased this mobile its have many causes for this thRead more...
New spider homecoming
Reviewed Spider-Man: Homecoming
Hello guys today I will give you review for spider mAn series new movie thwt name spider man homecoming this spider man corrector we also see in captain ameriRead more...
No more wait
Reviewed Thor: Ragnarok
Today I will give review about The marvel upcoming mega moviethor: Ragnakorno doubt this movie was like all marvels movies . Yestday I see this movie trailer Read more...
Tolani of law
Reviewed Tolani Institute of Law - Kutch
Hello guys today somthing feels nervouse to be I am the first guy whu give a review for tolani institute of law ( kuchch) so lets started now . yes if lives iRead more...
Avrage movie
Reviewed Meri Pyaari Bindu
Hello guys lets started review without westing a time todays review for meri pyaari bindu I know for this movie review its too late but you know ramadan monthRead more...
Hindi medium
Reviewed Hindi Medium
Hello guys today I will give review for daram movie thats name are hindi mediumfirst time I think this was boring but really first time my thinking was wrong Read more...
Best actor
Reviewed Prabhas
In all india only one name shouted in their peoples ear and that name was prabhas. we all guys know why he famous in only in 3 years He was famous for their aRead more...
Asus zen
Reviewed Asus ZenFone Live ZB501KL
Hello guys if taking about this rediculous mobile asus zenfone live zB50KL I will never suggest to you that purchased this mobile its have many causes fRead more...
The rock baywatch
Reviewed Baywatch
Hello guys now lets starting a review for baywatch trailer the movie of the rock dwayn johnson my favrouit actor in hollywood and also my favroit westler in wRead more...
Awosame jack sperow
Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge
Hello guys finally I have see this movie everyonese know that movie is awesome and making awesome this movie that credid given only one guy and he was our mosRead more...
Sachin.....Sachin !!!!
Reviewed Sachin: A Billion Dreams
Hi eveyone guys yuday review its an nothing more important for all of them because of we all fuys know to that the sachin: a billion dreams movie its an awesoRead more...
Halfgirlfrd jakkass
Reviewed Half Girlfriend
Yesday I went to cinema and show a movie of half girl friend if said in my style I will said it was an awesome movie ?? . It was darama romanse movie but trusRead more...
Samsung star 2
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Star 2 SM-G130E
Hello guys if taking about this rediculous mobile samsung gekaxy star 2 I will never suggest to you that purchased this mobile its have many causes for Read more...
Spice wrost
Reviewed Spice Xlife M5Q Plus
Hello guys if taking about this rediculous mobile spice xlife ms 5Q I will never suggest to you that purchased this mobile its have many causes for thisRead more...
Be protect full
Reviewed Tips on Buying Second Hand Mobile Phones
Guys sometimes we purcheshed a second hand without any inforamation whatever you got purcheshed the product now I am give you some tips for purches a second hRead more...
Xiaomi redmi
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 4A
Hello guys if taking about this rediculous mobile xiaomi redmi 4A I will never suggest to you that purchased this mobile its have many causes for this tRead more...
Miraj cinema
Reviewed Miraj Cinema - Sector 8 - Gandhidham
Talk about miraj cinema it Too bed in all kuchch district its an one of cinema thats bed picture quality . First we talk about their parking systum they get 2Read more...
Om multiplex
Reviewed OM Cineplex - Vidyanagar - Gandhidham
Talk about om multiplex it Too bed in all kuchch district its an one of cinema thats bed picture quality . First we talk about their parking systum they get 2Read more...
Ridiculou cinema
Reviewed Vinay Cinemas - Arbuda Nagar - Adipur
Talk about vinay vinay cinema it Too bed in all kuchch district its an one of cinema thats bed picture quality . First we talk about their parking systum theyRead more...
Reviewed LimeRoad
If said about limeroad website its too bed then the other website cause of their wrost cunsumer servise its too bed I have personal expirinse their servise laRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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