Please, all the online shopping users beware of "100 best buy" online shopping portal. This brand is very shrewd in posting contests and claiming that selected people will be rewarded gadgets at dog cheap prices. I also participated in a similar contest and made payment for Rs. 599 wherein I was promised a Mobile phone in case I win the contest.
I neither received any sms on my mobile number 9810849723 nor any email at aditya_surya007. I made the payment by using my HDFC Credit Card bearing Card number 5176 5210 0365 1470 on 10th March 2013. The card is on the name of RAJESH KUMAR. It is shocking that I have never received any communication from 100 bestbuy till date for the payment that I have made.
When I try to login to their website their website says that my mobile number 9810849723 is not registered with them. I tried to call up their 080-67536400 phone number but the phone gets disconnected after I select the option of "Contests" in the IVR.
Hence I can smell something fishy in the dealings made by 100bestbuy. Hence I would like to warn you all innocent customers who may get carried away with such lucrative contests not to make any payments to 100bestbuy or even buy any product from them as you may be loosing your money for getting nothing at the end as these people are no less than cyber thieves.
I may have lost my 599 rupess, but I do not want you to lose your single ruppee at the hands of such crooks.
A concerned online shopper.