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Member Since:May 04, 2006
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Disgusting company with very bad internet service
Reviewed ACT Broadband
My service request number is sr1019070314133 I had faced very bad service from act wherein I did not have internet service for a period of almost 10 days in Read more...
100 best buy - Beware of this online portal
Reviewed 100bestbuy.com
Please, all the online shopping users beware of  "100 best buy" online shopping portal. This brand is very shrewd in posting contests and claiming that selectRead more...
Painful experince with OMRON
Reviewed Sifymall
Who says that customer is the boss. Not atleast in India. In this country when you buy a product, you buy at your own risk. If tomorrow anything goes wrong wiRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on santhoshunnithan2's review
it is true that ACT fibernet is a very unprofessional company and does not care about the concerns that the customers raise. i raised a disconnection request on 10th July 2019 vide service request number SR1019070314133 since I had been facing lot of service issues from ACT to the extent that in the Read More...
Commented on discerning_user's review
I guess you have been lucky as I lost Rs. 599 for participating in the Samsung Galaxy contest and never received any call or mail regarding the outcome of the contest. Their customer service number also gets disconnected after ringing for sometime. Hence it is my honest request that the innocent onl Read More...
Rated on discerning_user's review
Commented on vipenkandrow's review
true. I certainly doubt their business ethics. Being based out of Bangalore I never expected them to be so lost on values and professionalism. It appears as if some idiots have devised a shrewd technique to steal money from the helpless and innocent consumers and have no fear of the law and order of Read More...
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Rated on gnanikb's review
Commented on s.keshri241356's review
Hello friend . I completely agree with you on your experience with Rediff shopping. I also bought a Comapct DVD Player from them and it could not even last one electricity power cut. The device never worked after the time the electrcicity went off on the first day that I used.I am sure they have bus Read More...
Rated on s.keshri241356's review
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