Another pathetic attempt at aping Hollywood (once again). When I sit back and think about the movie, I am awed at my patience and tolerance.
This is the first time that I witnessed the fact that a geo stationary satellite can be zoomed to a place on the earth as per the user’s discretion. Give us a break Mr. Director. The geo stationary satellite is not a Santro Zip Drive that, while being stationed over Greenland, you can zoom onto the Antartica and take a peek at the ardent exercises of two adolescent Penguins.
It is a known fact that films as a medium, reaches a huge horizon of people and thereby has a direct influence on the minds of numerous youth. While it remains a fact that while watching films (especially Bollywood masalas), one should don the cap of ‘willing suspension of disbelief’, the director should at least take due care so as to ensure that the basic geographical and scientific facts are portrayed in the correct manner. Infact the Censor Board too has a role to play in this. Instead of pondering over matters as to how many inches of flesh has been revealed by the heroine, can they not concentrate on these matters?
The plot is weak, the actors stony faced and there is no sanity involved in the movie.
What? You want me to see a similar movie? No way. That will be a “Mission Impossible”