Member Since:Aug 23, 2002
0 MS Points
<b>The Origin</b>
I hail from a sleepy little town, Siliguri, set in the foothills of the <i>Terai</i>. It was on the 12th of December that I graced the earth with my presence!!! I have heard from my grandmother as well as from my parents that that I never did cause any problems in my childhood. Infact, I was supposed to be quite a good kid with an extraordinary preference for food.
But everything changed while I was in the process of growing up. I turned out to be a real pest.
<b>The Adolescence & Youth</b>
I did my schooling from the Don Bosco School, Calcutta followed by stints at the Don Bosco School, Siliguri and the Bani Mandir High School. However this does not mean that I used to be kicked out, but the truth is that my dad had a transferable job. I finished my college (B.Com. Hons.) from Siliguri itself and without any modesty, let me point out that I stood first in the B.Com (Hons.) Examination in the University of North Bengal in the year 1996. (Trust me, I really did). Then I went down to Goa for a PGDBM (Finance) and learnt a hell lot of <i>funda</i> on Cost-Cutting-Techniques. Accordingly, I brush my teeth once in a fortnight and take a bath once in a month. I wash my clothes once every 6 months. See, it saves cost!!
<b>My Job</b>
And now I am working as a Manager for a bank. Don't ask me how I made it though. I guess the recruiters were so tired with me, that the best way to get rid of me (they figured out) was to recruit me. I love my job. My only regret is that it is so sophisticated an environment, that I cannot put to practice my favourite hobby -- digging my nose. Hence, everyday, after lunch, I go down for a walk in the desolate lanes of the Bandra Kurla Complex, have a fag and religiously dig my nose to my heart's content.
When people ask me as to what I do, I put on a very serious face and answer, <i>troubleshooting</i>, a ''global futta''(something a PGDBM always teaches you). Whenever someone comes to me with a problem, I listen to it, do a lot of <i>hummmm</i> & <i>haaaa</i>, apparently put on my 'thinking cap' and ostensibly cogitate on the 'problem' with a concentration that would have put Einstein to shame. In reality, I try to catch the eye of the <i>Pretty Li'lle Thing</i>, sitting right beside me.
<b>Ishq-Wishyk, Pyaar-Vyaar</b>
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!! There are so many!!! But wouldn’t want to disclose them, for the fear that my wife (who happens to be an ardent member of mouthshut too) might come across the same. But seriously, I met my wife way back in 1991 and finally we got married in Jan this year (2002). . When I was in school, everything other than <i>studies</i> interested me. Now that I am working with a Private Sector Bank, everything other than <i>work</i> interests me. But seriously, I like travelling, reading (mostly everything), sketching (sometimes), listening to music and day dreaming.
I am a tad choosy about music and I freak out on Ghazals by Ghulam Ali. Among the english songs, I am crazy about Don Williams, Don Mac'Lean, Jim Reeves, Neil Diamaond, Neil Sedaka, Ingelbert Humperdink and Neil Armstrong. <i>Oh Boy !! I could go on and on.</i>