Books are mans best friend. Sincerely I believe it, and the only other thing which could be a mans best friend other than books is a Dog! Nonetheless, after reading loverboy4u_17 review, I decided to pen in my words too on the books that I love most in my life. Herez the list, and I hope You people like it too! The books are no order of preferances or ranking.
Love Story - Erich Segal
This wonderful book on love is one of my all time favourites. The story of Oliver and Jenny, is simple, romantic, heartwarming, and more importantly a good lesson on love. Erich Segals prose come into play beautifully in this novel, about two people falling in love and then the life they lead. I wouldnt really mention much about this book here, because I have already written a review on this book on I would rather suggest all our friends to read that review of mine to know more about the book! The novel is just 128 pages, so one could complete this book in a couple of hours flat!
The Class - Erich Segal
This book is aagin my personal favourite. The story of 5 havard guys is a impossible-to-put-down read. I strongly believe that every single person SHOULD and should read this book atleast once. The story tells about life of 5 havard guys, their life at havard, and then 25 years of their life, to a reunion of the Class. The 25 years of all the guys has been magically represented. Whats so special about this book is you can relate to atleast one character in book. Moreover, this book is a great inspiration on life. Every time I read this book, I am inspired by the thoughts presented in the book. Segal is brilliant with his prose again. All in all, if you havent read this one.then u might have missed a classic of all times!
Midnights Children - Salman Rushdie
This brilliant book about a mans journey is again one of all time favourites. The mans journey begins with him born on 15th august 1947, at stroke of midnight. The story tells about the travels and the different experiences the hero has, and how he realizes his magical powers. This book is the best example of how good fantasy-fiction might be. So wonderfully is this book written that, one might not notice how rushdie brilliantly mixes up historical events! For more on the book, do read my review on the same too, for I wrote I review on this book too! Salmans prose is superb, and so is the comedy. This is really a enchanting book! This book rightly deserved the booker, and then the bookers of bookers award for the best book.
The Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie
Salman Rushdie climbs his peak in this book. The fantasy-fiction tale about two people surviving a plane crash, and their journey from then on, is simply wonderful. The story is all about the dreams, revelations, and the metamorphoses the two guys undergo after the crash. One becomes an angel, while the other becomes a devil. The story beautifully captures how the evil spoils good. The story of the book is simply amazing.and its sheer genius that Rushdie could think of such a story! Yes, the book is damn provocative, and it shouldnt be read by those who are quite religious or dont believe in freedom of speech in religion. If you are not that kind, than this is one helluva book to read. Wait for my review on this book soon on MS!
The God of Small Things - Arundathi Roy
This tragic tale of a mother with two kids is what I believe to be one of the best books to have been written. The story is seen through they eyes of a brother-sister, named estha and rahel. The story tells the tragic tale of how their mother is abandoned, how she tries to find a acceptance throughout her life. The book has a unbelievable climax.and it made me cry. The end of the book is what makes the book so good. The book moves between past, present and future so many times, that one might confused while reading it. It is only in the last 50 pages or so that the story begins to fall into place, and when it does, one is left wondering at Arundathis mastery.
This book is a must for any book lover. Simply put: this is a classic for me.and maybe for many people as well. I wrote a review on this too, but I could never post it here. Some day I will!
Well these are a few of my favourites. Its simply impossible to chose 5 best books at any time, because there are so many other books. But yeah, the ones I mentioned will always remain as some of my all time favourite books. And yeah, if our friends havent read this.then I would definately recommend all these books to read!
Happy Reading.