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Member Since:Jan 25, 2001
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Contrived and Colossally boring!
Reviewed Collateral
What happens when Tom Cruise tries to do a John Travolta? What happens when Michael Mann decides to tread Tarantino Way? What happens when Jamie Foxx tries Read more...
Its Painful to be a Jew
Reviewed Last of the Just - Andre Schwarz-Bart
If you thought Schindler’s List was painful, you may just want to hold your opinion. If you think the Pianist was an emotionally harrowing experience, mRead more...
A good SPY Thriller!
Reviewed Bourne Supremacy
The march to war hurt the economy. Laura reminded me a while ago that remember what was on the TV screens — she calls me, George W.Read more...
Quite AIMLESS!!!
Reviewed Lakshya
Why is it that child protégés are being given such undue importance in Bollywood these days? Why do we immediately assume that person who gave us a Read more...
Camping 101
Reviewed Planning a Camping Trip
I want to thank my friend, Senator Bill Frist, for joining us today. Youre doing a heck of a job. You cut your teeth here, right? Thats wherRead more...
Needlessly Complicated!
Reviewed Mulholland Drive
After much brouhaha I did get the story, though what fails me and reading nearly 40 reviews of this movie I have decided I don’t like this movie! For noRead more...
Mani To The Rescue!
Reviewed Yuva - Bollywood
Dear Mani, I saw YUVA last night. Reading the scathing reviews on the movie by so called movie critics, I was convinced yet again that it would be a good movRead more...
Some Memories are best Forgotten
Reviewed Memento
Christopher Nolan?s masterpiece cinema MEMENTO simply re-iterates the very art of film-making. This is filmmaking at its best. This is cinema at its very bestRead more...
Reviewed The Day After Tomorrow
After our initial apprehensions about this movie being a remake of the bestseller by the same name were displaced, we settled with the hope that it is a produRead more...
Scenes from the PAST - 2
Reviewed Youth - J M Coetzee
Please read the first part of this review under the book title Boyhood at http://www.mouthshut.com/readreview/55306-1.html It might be perhaps intentional orRead more...
Scenes from the PAST - 1
Reviewed Boyhood - J M Coetzee
Talking about two novels, written differently in time Boyhood and Youth in two separate reviews is pretty difficult, since they are one and the same book; theRead more...
Hail To The QUEEN!
Reviewed Lok Sabha
So, finally after all the brouhaha about India Shining and Feel Good factor, it all boiled down to the un-shining and the felt-bad sector of the country whichRead more...
Lalla Lalla Lori...
Reviewed General Tips on Sleeping Habits
Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. - Friedrich Nietzscheu And I think, how so true these words are. Sleep is perhaps the mosRead more...
The SHOW Ends, But Friends Live On...
Reviewed Friends
Every generation has a memory. Whilst my adolescent days were buried in innocent treasures like Small Wonder and the likes, it was probably The Wonder Years tRead more...
The Animal Show
Reviewed Piya Ka Ghar - TV Serial
Did your dog run away? Call Rimjhim for help. Is your son plotting to kill you and take away all the wealth? No problem ? Rhimjim helps solve the issue. Is Read more...
Aapke Khat, Hamare Jawab
Reviewed Manshaa
Welcome to a special episode of Aapke Khat Hamare Jawab. In this special episode, yes dear fans, we welcome the cutie pie cry baby, the one and only Manshaa! Read more...
A Dummies Guide To The Ring
Reviewed The Ring
Dedicated to Ekta Kapoor. Acknowledgements This book would not have been possible without the combined efforts of certain specie residing in Bangalore, and Read more...
Would you keep a Gun?
Reviewed Bowling For Columbine
As I have mentioned elsewhere too, the ‘more’ I get to see / read ‘Moore’s work, I love him more. Its almost as if he knows what is inRead more...
Reviewed Kill Bill
Based on the characters created by U & T– reads the end of the movie Kill Bill. ....or wait, was it the beginning? -----------------------------------Read more...
Kompletely Konfused Productions
Reviewed Five Worst Movies of Alok Nath
To, Aruna Irani, Director – Kompletely Konfused Tele-Serials. Sub: Application towards post of a Father In Law at KK. Dear Aruna, It was with greatRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed MakeMyTrip
Rated on juggernaut's review
Commented on own review
Yes, it is a must read prem - hopefully u should read it someday lol! Suyog
'This is Mann’s style'.. Err... Would you please educate me then, what is Mann's style? I have seen all of his movies - oh yeah, except for 'Heat', I didn't like any of his movies either ;-) - Yes Yes, that includes 'The Insider' too ;-) I await the Lord to educate me! Sire, if you m Read More...
Guru - Yea, give it a miss - hardly deserves a watch! aadi - yeah, plz do! Thanks for the comment! 9kni9 - thanks - yeah, haven't heard from you in a while too - u are right about nelsaan - what a pity isn't it? LOL fatcat - mark my words, o cat, u will get bored LOL - oh yea, its the cab, Read More...
Where did I say there is a connection between Mann and Tarantino ;-). Maybe u didn't read the review right, or you saw the movie wrong - it was easy as hell to make out the forced humor in action. Now tarantino is a master at that - Mann fails miserably. So what if I think Travolta could have bee Read More...
Commented on gurusmaran's review
'To sum it up, Three Brothers is a movie worth watching once. The one thing that this movie lacks is a repeat value.' This is precisely what I felt about this movie - I got this dvd at walmart for 3 bucks - didn't know a grain about this movie when I got it, but it was one of my experimentation d Read More...
Rated on gurusmaran's review
Rated on psmukund's review
Rated on quadophile's review
Commented on nikamma1112's review
This film has not relased in D.C. If it comes to d.c I will not seeit for sure!!! Loved this review and ones you wrote last year ;-)! Keep inking! Suyog PS: Kyon, main samaj gaya na?! PPS: Gosh, is that you in that new pic? I thot it was a nikammi until I looked hard to conclude it wa Read More...
Rated on nikamma1112's review
Rated on mariner2's review
Commented on Rupanjana's review
Now that was one helluva back to back review on the movie Grease - atta girl, it seems its your favorite one :P out there!!! Again, loved the way you have expressed this review, though the movie reviews commends out the music review LOL ;-)! Please keep inking such! Suyog
Rated on Rupanjana's review
Commented on arunroy's review
while the othe review on this topic needlessly explains which alarm clock is in which direction, adn what color bed was and which bathroom had what color tiles, here is a review that is exactly serving the purpose! Good review - happy that I came accross thsi review! Keep inking such arun! Read More...
Rated on arunroy's review
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