Maybe the toughest thing Ive done - make a list of the top 5 books Ive read! Rather than attempt the impossible, Ill use my own interpretation of what constitutes abook!
Mulk Raj AnandsCoolie
JRR Tolkiens Lord of the Rings Trilogy, along with Hobbit
Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - the entireTrilogy of Five(His Dirk Gently novels too, but they branch in a different space, perpendicular to the orientation of this list!)
Jerome K. JeromesThree Men in a Boat andThree Men on the Bummel / Anything by P. G. Wodehouse
Umberto EcosName of the Rose, Foucaults Pendulum andIsland of the Day Before / Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes stories - all of them, including the novels.
Okay, to befair, inasmuch as one can be in such an endeavour, here are the others that do not find a place on this list, though they very much belong there.
The Harry Potter series, though much appreciated by a lot of people and decried by another lot, is not featured here because, essentially, it is incomplete. It is a personal favourite, but I will put it in the list only after I read the seventh book:)
Robert Jordans Wheel of Time - again, incomplete, as I have read only 8 of the books.
Agatha Christies Poirot stories - I dont care much for the Miss Marple ones.
And then some - Im sure Ive some great books Ive read - shall update when I recall all of them.:)