Here Im at, at the earliest possible moment, after I say this movie, to warn all you nice people n reviewers at MS about the atrocity which you would do well not watching.
The story is the good ole poor-guy, rich-girl one. This movie successfully epitomizes everything thats wrong with Indian Cinema. We are wasting precious capital in producing such atrocities.
Acting is as bad as it gets. Music...well, u just might consider suing them for causin noise pollution.
Well, I could think of a couple of reasons why you could go for the movie...
Firstly, if u wanted to be in a place without any distractions...maybe with ur bf/gf or some ole time friend...the movie wouldnt interest u the least bit..n u could be the summer heat as well.
Secondly, if ur gettin paid to watch the movie.
If you dont fall in either of the 2 categories...well...dont spend a single moment even thinking bout this movie...yeah, I aint spendin any more time on writin the review either :)