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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Mar 22, 2002
0 MS Points
Being a gemini, (I usually don't believe in astrology, but this part's true) I love being in other people's company. (Yeah, even if you are the biggest bore, I will somehow manage to entertain myself! :) ). I hope you aren't the biggest bore though..r you? ;) Giving it a thought, if you are at MS, you are one of the more-interesting people in the world. Cheers to that! :) I love trying out new things, and am quite inquisitive. I'm quite materialistic as well, but as the song goes, I believe that ''In the end, it doesn't really matter''! I enjoy playing pranks with people who are game for it! (You interested?...we cld have some sort of competition! ). ;) I am aiming to make it big in Indian Politics...for the right reasons! :) You could drop me a line at loyolite_18@hotmail.com if you have any advice / suggestions on how I could go bout it. We Indian's are known to solicit free advice, aren't we? And if you decide not to drop me a line, here's wishing you g'morning, g'afternoon, g'evening & g'nite! :). Travelling, Swimming, Table tennis, Chess, Books, Music, Cars (yeah...another F1 crazy fan), Adventure Sports & most importantly, People.
About Me
Education: Graduation
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Get a move on! ;)
Reviewed Shoppers Stop - Mumbai
Well, I atleast wouldnt recommend all shoppers to stop! Shoppers Stop (SS) does have a wide variety of...a lot of things actually, but when seen in totaRead more...
Nice Place to Relax??
Reviewed Cafe Coffee Day - Tygaraya Nagar - Chennai
Cafe Coffee Day, Chennai is one hell of a chill-out place. Or so my friends say. For those of us living in metros & other major cities of India, Cafe CoffeeRead more...
The best Indian Auto Magazine
Reviewed Auto India
I love month beginnings, for along with many other things, it brings along many of the monthly magazines. One magazine Im crazy bout is the AUTOCARead more...
The Going's Good
Reviewed VSNL Dial Up
I have been a VSNL dial-up connection user for a period exceeding 2 years. These 2 years have been a pleasant experience, when one takes into account the speRead more...
Nice stuff
Reviewed Louis Philippe
This brand comes from the house of Madura Garments, which also owns various other brands like Allen Solly, Van Heusen, Peter England & Byford. All of the aboRead more...
Despicable to say the least
Reviewed Aap Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage
Here Im at MouthShut.com, at the earliest possible moment, after I say this movie, to warn all you nice people n reviewers at MS about the atrocity whicRead more...
Say No to Akai
Reviewed Akai 823
I would like to clarify at the outset that I have not bought this particular model of AKAI VCD player. I had purchased the AKAI Home Theatre system about 4 yeRead more...
The real Josh Machine...
Reviewed Palio - Petrol
The 1.6 Petrol Version of the FIAT Palio is undoubtedly the real Josh machine of India. I, being a car lover, was immediately taken over by the looks of the Read more...
All good things start with Pizza
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Ramanathapuram - Coimbatore
Dominos came to chennai ages back, and has since, spead its wings through out the city. This has made it possible for one to always be the vincity of aRead more...
Impossible made possible
Reviewed Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham
This movie successfully bought together 6 SuperStars.. That was a huge achievement to say the least. But it also made the impossible possible. WiRead more...
Nice place to visit
Reviewed United Kingdom - General
Well, my knowledge of UK is limited to London. My first trip was in month of May. The climate was pleasant - 15 degrees or so. It used to drizzle on and off.Read more...
Talent being wasted
Reviewed V V S Laxman
V V S Laxman, without doubt has enumerous talent. He proved that beyond doubt at the Kolkata test. I think that the prob with this dude is he takes the game Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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