Dear ALL,
I am now frustrated with ABN AMRO bank credit card division and willing to put the pain in front of every one to make people aware....
MAY 2004 : I went to overseas, before leaving requested ABN-AMRO bank to close my FREE Freedom credit card, Cut the card into pieces and dropped into their ATM.
Got informed from my Parents in India that ABN-AMRO is sending credit cards statements...contacted them but failed to convince that I have closed the card...
Came back AUGUST 2005, repeatedly request them to close the issue and close the card as they were keeping in sending the statement with some RS 1000/-(one thousand) odd as a card usage charge...
Being a corporate employee all the other banks were offering me LIFE TIME FREE CREDIT CARD... should I be crazy enough to use a card by paying them?
Then repeated requests came from bank itself, saying that the card will be given to you FREE OF CHARGE ...PLEASE USE IT ..
To avoid such repeated calls I accepted the card and used the same on SEP-OCT 2005....
Statement came ... around RS 4600/- as my usage and remaining 700/- for card usage charge .. min payment due date 21st OCT 2005.
Paid MY USAGE IN FULL by cheque dated 18th OCT, amount debited from my account on 25th OCT 2005.
December 2005 People from PAYMENT RECOVERY STARTED COMING AT MY HOME FOR THE SAME AMOUNT saying the same amount is pending and also some additional late payment etc has been added ... and the total due is now 6900/-
After repetitive calls (and waiting for 15 min on the queue each time !!) I came to know some good and some surprising news....
My card has been closed on 16th August 2005 ( although I used it on SEPT 2005) ....(any way this WAS Gods grace !!)
I was issued another card on OCT 2005 and upon not accepting the same my account was closed AGAIN (?) on 9th NOVEMBER ...( DUPLICATE cards issued without my knowledge !!) ... (JUST IMAGINE !!! IT MAY had been misused !!)
The company has not realised any payments so far ....!!!
December 26th 2005 logged complaint to the bank with payment details... Keep on calling on 29th Dec, 2nd Jan, 9th Jan just to get an update ... every time got reply ... please provide the payment details... as the details were not in your complaint !!! .... So Silly ... I have raised a complaint without the main objective !!!
Received a new statement generated on 2nd JAN 2006 ... account reopened with a balance carried forward RS 6900/- ( oh god again !!! )
Lastly on 15th JAN 2006 ... they acknowledged the payment... but still demanding RS 1600/- for card usage etc.
I am feed up with such response ... I am really vexed on their behaviour ... PLEASE dont ever go for a ABN_AMRO BANK card ... they will make your life hell !!!
Thanks & Regards