We purchased 14 nos of Acer X 960 @ Rs.17, 000/- each in Nov-09 to use a customtakeout-made Field Quality Software which runs on Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional. In Mar-11, the touch screen of one unit broke. We tried to find the spare for this in Acer service centers in Bangalore and were unsuccessful.
On notifying Acer we were assured that the spare would be arranged at one of their service centers in Bangalore. Id given the phone to the service center but even after 8 months they could not get a spare. This year, 2012, touch screen of another phone was damaged. Now we have 2 phones with damaged screens but Acer does not have a spare for this model which they say is because the model is discontinued.
Learning from the experience is that never buy a mobile without checking if the model is going to be discontinued which of course you would not know unless the retailer/company gives you the visibility.
Now, well have to develop another application which will run on an OS such as Android so that weve a choice of more than one manufacturer. But for this well have to spend another 3-4 lacs. Ill surely not recommend anyone to buy an Acer Smartphone considering the loss weve had to incur because of our decision to go with it in the first place.
Vijay Krishnan
CEMA Lighting