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Member Since:May 27, 2005
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Education: ME Product Design
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Bosch Bai ki jai ho - A highly recommended produc
Reviewed Bosch Dishwasher
We bought our Bosch Dishwasher(SMS40M52EU) in Nov-11 after having enough with haughty and truant maids. Weve had a wonderful experience right from delivRead more...
Good product but no spares!
Reviewed Acer X960
We purchased 14 nos of Acer X 960 @ Rs.17, 000/- each in Nov-09 to use a customtakeout-made Field Quality Software which runs on Windows Mobile 6.1 ProfessionRead more...
Onestar Kenstar
Reviewed Kenstar Food Processor
See on Facebook: Onestar Kenstar We bought Kenstar Karishma in Oct-10 after getting a good review from  our neighbor whod bought the m/c a few years agRead more...
A very useful book for all soon to be parents
Reviewed What To Expect When You're Expecting - Arlene Eisenberg
The book is a must for todays would be parents, especially the mom. Helps to understand the whole gamut of changes, physical & emotional, that occur durRead more...
Good machine but extremely bad service
Reviewed IFB Senorita SX
22-Jan-07 Our washine machine (Senorita plus purchased in May 2005) had a minor problem (belt slippage) on Sunday, 14th Jan 07 and we informed the service caRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Hi IFB, Thanks for your note. I should say that your service has greatly improved (at least in our area in New Thippasandra, Bangalore) with a knowledgeable service engineer attending to any of the machine issues. We're happy with the performance of the machine which is in its 10th year of servic Read More...
... continued from above. Answering some of the other queries: 1. Purchase: Look for BOSCH BRAND STORE in your city. Most of the bigger cities have one or more of these. Go to resellers only if you see that buying direct will not work. (the bosch website dealer locator is not working today bu Read More...
Hi, Thanks for a string of comments this review has generated although I apologize for not responding to any since I've not been on mouthshut for quite a long time. Our Bosch bai has completed 2.5 years of service and we've not had to call for service even once (touchwood). Their service profe Read More...
Rated on shenoyvb737089's review
Rated on vattipalli's review
Rated on vinod7985's review
Commented on vinod7985's review
Dear Vinod, Bosch Diswashers is made by one of the world leaders in Home Appliances. We bought our m/c (model : SMS40M52EU) from Pai Electronics in Indiranagar. Installation was done the very next day. In Bangalore the service is handled directly by the company so you're guaranteed the best service. Read More...
Rated on ajay10's review
Rated on autumn_spring's review
Rated on bidhu's review
Rated on linkinparkfan's review
Commented on linkinparkfan's review
talks more about the personal experience of convincing one's father and ultimately buying the product rather than about its features and service
Rated on bhautikjoshi's review
Rated on deepashpuri's review
Rated on hp00968's review
Rated on Justin_Blake's review
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