Ever since the multimedia revolution started off, there has always been a plethora of graphics and digital data on the net. Of late, we have seen such a vast surge of the internet and its related fields invade the net and our lives. To fuel this surge there are 2 major factors. 1. Creativity 2. Software.
Creativity is person based, and I am not a person to rate how creative one can get. Its upto the person and his skill of knowing the software. I started off learning Photoshop when it was version 3. That version never had actions or any other commands that are now so popular with most softwares. But right from then on Adobe was creating the standard. Right now if you look around to any magazine or
paperback issue, a movie, anything that has print, there is a sure possibility that photoshop has been used somewhere at some stage. This software is a powerful tool to edit photographs, blend materials, create high quality effects through custom filters and third party plugins. Intially Adobe started off offering only products for the graphic industry with softwares like Illustrator, Photoshop, etc, it slowly moved over to web giving softwares like Go Live and then to the DTP industry with its famous PageMaker, then moved over to Indesgin.
Later it moved over to the exciting world of motion graphics and video by introducing Adobe After Effects and Premiere. AE is a compositing tool. A compositing tool offers you specialized editing tools that help you edit frames of video. It helps you to compose your shot over multiple layers of footage. This is then exported to a video editing software like Premiere etc. Premiere is normally used for home video recording, but AE is professional package such that many documentary films are using AE in one portion of their post production stage. Now Adobe has come out with the CS range of products. CS stands for Creative Suite. Its a platform that allows seamless integration of all Adobe products on a standard platform. With its latest sound editing and video editing tools like Audition (formerly Cool Edit) Premiere Pro. Adobe has closed the gap between TV grade films and movies. Digital video takes up enormous space on a computer, Premiere Pro is specifically built to access this large amount of data and work on it. With all this in its belt, Adobe has come a long way from when it started to now. And it cant be blown off the competition, because of its experience.