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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Feb 15, 2006
0 MS Points
am a taurean, havin great tastes for good people and food. am a self styled musician and a web designer. chattin,music composin, listening to dire straits,peter cetera,phil collins,reo speedwagon etc,talking about cricket,makin new friends
About Me
Education: B.A Economics
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Music Education – Laid out on the table!
Reviewed Tips on Music Education
A lot about music has been said through the forums on MS. Here, let me share my views on music from my experience of learning it. As with all things, for someRead more...
One Stop Digital Solution
Reviewed Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Ever since the multimedia revolution started off, there has always been a plethora of graphics and digital data on the net. Of late, we have seen such a vast Read more...
Yamaha Rx 100 - Ahead of the 100s
Reviewed Yamaha RX100
Man, my all time fav. bike is and will always be the Yamaha Rx 100. What a bike.Every time I read the reviews posted by MS, my blood soars and I get so pumpedRead more...
Red Eye...What is it
Reviewed Eliminating the Red Eye Effect in Photographs
To know more about Red Eye and the startling feeling it creates when you see someone with it, one has to understand how cameras work. In all cameras, there isRead more...
Have you thought about this ?
Reviewed General Tips on Sound Mixing
Every time you watch a movie, you are hearing the work of many people ib the background. Here are the facts. The normal cine-camera is capable of only recordiRead more...
Xphone- See the X factor
Reviewed O2 X Phone
The Xphone is the first model from the Taiwanese company HTC. This model is labelled as a Smartphone. The phone is on the likes of Nokia 6610 (in terms of itsRead more...
Creating a band - The Fundaz
Reviewed Starting a Music Band
Creating a band involves a lot of issues. Firstly, all of the band members are musicians in thier own field. This is good, but straight off this serves as a wRead more...
Differences between Analog/Digital Music
Reviewed Little Known but Interesting Facts About Music
In my earlier review, I threw some light about music and it’s experience, the feelings that it makes the listener go through. Today, I want to stress about thRead more...
Digital Camera's - Buy or Cry!
Reviewed Buying a Digital Camera
Theres a plethora of Digital Cameras on the market today. Most popular ones being Sony, JVC,Olympus, etc. The most basic considerations when you wRead more...
IR - Can you contain him ?
Reviewed Illayaraja
I started to listen to IR when I was 15. The first song I heard of his is Nilavae Vaa. Something about that song struck me on the first note. SPBs soulfRead more...
Important Info- Microwaves...
Reviewed Maintaining a Microwave Oven
Microwaves are by far the most dangerous, appliances ever built for commercial use. All the reviews are correct but I feel its necessary to enlighten peRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Hi, That would work because the IRIS at the point is not focussing on the camera or the flash, but at the same point the acutal focus of t he snap would also be lost....
Commented on devmallya's review
Hey, this is too cool! man....I love this review!!, good work....(not that I am some fashion guru) but still, worth a read
Commented on Gyaani's review
Agree with you 100%. His compositions are way above all standards. I think his approach is more of a structured,well thought and planned approach rather to 'fried rice' style of music today. Songs like Shenbagame, Thenpaandi Chi,Vaa Veenilla, and countless more...
Commented on esgallindeion's review
I was first introduced to Dire Straits through the song walk of life, and that took me into the world of rock music. I have played walk of life(keys and the guitar)and also a lot more from dire straits. Apparently the group was in dire straits at a time, and that's how they got their name.
Followed contech
Commented on contech's review
Whoa man, that was some rev. Revved my heart and soul, it's like as if you've made love to the most beautiful girl on the planet, and you still want more...
Rated on loverboy4u_17's review
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