Bad experience with Advaith. Had banged my left wheel into kerb in Bangalore - Advaith (BG road) repaired this. While travelling to Palakkad, suddenly temp gauge started going above normal. Stopped the car on the service road and waited for engine to cool. Opened radiator cap - all ok - coolant full - started car and switched on a/c - temp went above normal - switched off a/c - temp came back to normal - drove rest of the way w/o a/c. At Palakkad showed to KTC motors; they said fan had fallen off its nut or screw or whatever!!!! Anyway they were decent to fix it without charging anything. BTW, lost some a/c gas which I had to get filled by a local guy who robbed me charging Rs. 700. Drove back to BLR. Daily trips to work. Suddenly started noticing a squeaking metallic scraping sound from the front left side (where Advaith did the repair, including replacement of parts). This was persistent, though could not notice suspension problems. Anyway, thought I will check with Advaith BG road who had fixed my car after the accident.
Took the car today to BG road Advaith; the guy there did something and said now its fine - when I asked him what was the problem, he mumbled something I could not follow - but said I should change the front brake pads immediately. Did that. Charged nearly Rs 2000.00. Back home. In the evening took the car out of the my parking spot, the same wretched sound - squeaking, scratching; everything - I called the guy who handled the job – he kept saying yes yes...then ‘oh from left side it is coming’...I began to lose my cool and asked him what could be done (I cannot waste weekdays for this) - he said he will send some ‘mobile’ people tomorrow. Today is Sep 8 2012. Will wait for our mobile wonders tomorrow.
Dont think I will go to Advaith ever again. Forgot to mention the car make and model. It is an i20 magna CRDi 2011, done 18, 000 kms.