I dont know what to call this movie - a thriller, a suspense or a lovey-smoochie movie!!
I will not call it a thriller coz it failed to thrill me as well as the 5 other friends I watched it with!! It was just too slow and subdued to be a thriller!
There is also a minor suspense type twist in the end but the sad part is that u will have judged it long before it actually reveals itself - so definetely not a suspense type movie.
Also there is a lot of skin show and love-making in the movie - too monotonous - makes me want to sleep.
It basically is about two lovers who are expert thieves - Pierce Brosnan and Salma Hayek. They have stopped stealing stuff as they have made tons of money - now they are retired in some Carribean Island.
Now.... a ship that carries an extremely valuable Napoleans Diamond anchors near their island and Pierce Brosnan is tempted to steal again, while Hayek is totally against it coz she wants a happy, cozy life now!!
Another character worth mentioning is the FBI Detective who is hot on Brosnans trail since 7 years and has not been able to nab him yet!! He comes in pursuit of Brosnan in the island since he expects him to steal the diamond. He is kinda funny!
I can only come up with one view - Movie mein Dum nahi hai!! Its a very mediocre type movie with cliched dialogues and shows age-old methods of stealing - the kind youll see in the Hindi movies of the 60s (Jugnoo et al.).
Anyway, its ultimately ur choice but if u ask my opinion - Yaar mazaa nahi aaya