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Member Since:Sep 12, 2005
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Nice Guy !!!. Music, Cricket, Astronomy.
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Education: MBA, Engineer
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A good story about a small town
Reviewed Last Juror, The - John Grisham
If anyone knows how to tell a good story, it is John Grisham. He will not have spectacular endings or plots that keep thickening. His stories will keep develoRead more...
Well-made movie
Reviewed New York
I know it is quite late to write a review for a movie that has been around for some weeks now but then I myself happened to see it quite late. The reason why Read more...
Problems of a family-owned business
Reviewed Betsy, The - Harold Robbins
The Betsy is a story of the early 1970s when competition in the US automobile industry was very cut-throat. The American Auto companies were facing the heat fRead more...
Hate, Revenge, Violence, Solace
Reviewed Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
This story is about one man in whom seeds of love, hatred and revenge are so gravely sown that he cannot come out of it. The hero becomes the anti-hero after Read more...
Plots, sub-plots, sub-sub-plots...
Reviewed Race
I had a hard time coming up with a title for the review. I considered "Insults your intelligience but worth a watch"; I also considered "Macho guys and cleavaRead more...
" Did you get him ?? "
Reviewed Unforgiven
This movie deserved an Oscar and got it too. A very serious movie superbly directed by none other than Clint Eastwood. The rawness of the movie is what appeaRead more...
They don't make movies like these anymore
Reviewed Broken Arrow
I just happened to see Broken Arrow after a long time today and it thrilled me as much as thrilled me before. A typical 90s Action Thriller which does not losRead more...
104th review on the book
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
I know, I know, as much as 103 reviews have already been written on this book and yet I felt the impulse of writing one more...... I am not an avid reader - Read more...
One of my favourite ads
Reviewed Titan 'What's Your Style' commercial
This advertisement definitely ranks as one of my top 5 favourites. Firstly, u must appreciate the boldness of the ad showing females making orgasmic sounds aRead more...
Dum nahi hai!!
Reviewed After The Sunset
I dont know what to call this movie - a thriller, a suspense or a lovey-smoochie movie!! I will not call it a thriller coz it failed to thrill me as weRead more...
Metallica still rules!!
Reviewed Reload - Metallica
The Reload album has 13 songs - it starts out with the speed metal song Fuel. All the remaining songs are slow and really hard!! The album should be listenedRead more...
For the minority
Reviewed GO 92.5 FM
I love this radio station and appreciate it for the fact that is caters to the minority public in Mumbai who prefers to listen to all kinds of songs - even thRead more...
Beware - Album is addictive!!
Reviewed Take A Look In The Mirror - KoRn
This album is GOOOODDDD!!! I remember when their Issues album was released in 2000 - I just couldnt stop listening to it over and over againRead more...
Only for hardcore David Dhawaners!!!
Reviewed Shaadi No. 1
I am a hardcore David Dhawan fan and will watch any crap he dishes out!! I wasnt tortured by this movie as much as my other friends who came with me. HRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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mahra17 Shaikh (@mahra17MouthShut Verified Member)
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Testpg Test (@TestPGMouthShut Verified Member)
Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
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