Hey ppl
I am a mumbaikar and I am proud that marathi films & film makers turn some wonders in cases like this.........This movie comes from kedar shinde a really talented upcoming director who has done many multifielded work like plays , comedy serials , movies etc !!!!...his concepts are really well projected and pretty good quality stuff even in comparitively small budget !!!thats this guys speciality.......
This movie AGABAI ARECCHHA is all about a tribute to women !!!!!!!!!! it can be said that its abt what want...I mean for sometime think what women really want ...if we could know what women think then !!!!!!!!!!
The movie revolves around a typical middle classed, hard working accountant who has a lady boss....who is always shouting and pissed .........this guy is fed up of his hardship life but stll goes on taking care of his responsibilities !! then one day he goes to his village for a JATRA ..its mass worshipping of native gods and goddesses.......here goddesses!!!!!!! he just say casually that only if I could know whats going on in minds of women my life would be a bit easier !!!!!!!!!thus it happens he gets a power of listening whats going on womens head........then he tries to make a difference in his life and surroundings ........respecting women and solving their problems..........actual plot is a bit more.....and for more watch the movie..really good quality stuff !!!!!!!!!
GOOD---everything abt the movie is excellent the characters , picturisation, plot, music is too
good.....there is comedy like nutts , tragedy, drama, action, miracle etc ..a hint of
everything...........the characters are limited to abt 10 but do not fall short .....
BAD ----if u find this flick bad it means u lack the respect to women so be careful !!!!!!!!!!!!! and
I couldnt find ne bads personally !!!!!!!!!!!!..the only bad thing I c is this rvu is a bit too
late..the movie is out long ago but ppl (indians) may b able to watch on cable or get a
cd or smthng its difficult to catch in theatres !!!!!!!!!!
All an all gr8 stuff must watch especially for marathi ppl and others too..really quality stuff.....good example for young movie makers and an inspiration for marathi movie makers as there arent many marathi quality movie makers .........and if there are......... they are not really supported that much
Thnx for reading ppl......plzz give ur valuable comments...!!!!!!!!!