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Member Since:Jan 05, 2006
0 MS Points
I am an instrumentation engg from R.A.I.T nerul navi mumbai.......... I like to view and analyse things my way and share my views it with others..........I would like to make a difference to our country ..I dont know how (YET)..but i will for sure .......... I like to live life as it comes singing dancing having fun and spreading joy...recently my friend adviced me this site and since this has also been one of my intrests or call it addictions...good addictions !!!!!!!!!Apart from that one of the principles of life is ''TRY EVERYTHING ATLEAST ONCE IN LIFE '' dont take me in a wrong way I am talking with few exceptions u know what I mean !!!!!!!!!!!
About Me
Education: engg student
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Bolo.... Om Shanti Om.....
Reviewed Om Shanti Om
May b am a bit late in getting his rvu bcs I catched the flick late.....ne ways the preface is my aunt due to some reason had to cancel the show tickets.....sRead more...
Deathly Hallows...not really deadly !!!
Reviewed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J K Rowling
Finally....the thing everyone (including myself) was waiting for past 10 yrs.The end to the potter epic and eventually the potter mania too.Even though JK saiRead more...
Par-a-don !!!!!!
Reviewed Don: The Chase Begins Again
Hi friends.... First.....really really sorry for not being around for a while....but today I take some time due to some reasons which I will mention later toRead more...
Chinese amir khan !!!!!!!!!
Reviewed Cocal Cola 'Aamir Khan Thande Ka Tadka' commercial
Hey ppl..... Been long scince I hav written...but couldnt resist scribbling abt this one (even though its my exam time !!!!!!!! )......its an ad on coca-colaRead more...
Natural is solution to all problems !!
Reviewed Getting Rid of Pimples / Acne
Hey ppl I just came across this section where ppl have generated a pimpleo-phobia so I thought why not put some more phobia in already existing some! just kiRead more...
Reviewed Indian Idol II
Hey ppl Thats it enough is enough..........bas karoo plzz bas karo !!!!!!!! thats what my head says to me when ever such crap comes along.I will justifRead more...
Reviewed Socha Na Tha
Hey ppl Just saw this movie...I know its pretty old but I just saw it in full.........well I am surprised ..it pulled out really good.....so I thought I woulRead more...
Engineers paradise !!!!!!!!!
Reviewed Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology (RAIT) - Navi Mumbai
Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology commonly famous as ’’R.A.I.T’’ is so far one of the few ’’A’’ graded colleges under mumbai university.The Navi mumbai sitiRead more...
Reviewed Rang De Basanti Songs
Hey ppl Recently this movie came into real trouble and its release got delayed in politics (no need to say more about it !!!!!!!! but IAF whats going on !!!!Read more...
Wonders with a sponge !!!!!!!!!
Reviewed SpongeBob SquarePants
Hey ppl U ppl might wonder why this guy is going nutts on cartoons !!!!!!!! thats because its long since I got in touched with that part of me where cartoon iRead more...
Reviewed Friends
Hey ppl Thanks to ur comments and recos I am trying to do something new here .This is a very special rvu for me as I am going to change my style of writing aRead more...
Thats what I call a killer !!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed The Simpsons - TV Serial Star World TV Channel
Hey ppl I am a great sucker for cartoons even today I cannot understand why ppl think cartoons are for kids I mean after all its the imagination work of adulRead more...
Watch the mastero work !!!!!!
Reviewed Phir Subah Hogi
Hey ppl Long since I babbled something here well first sorry ppl my pc wasnt workin (really I swear !!!!!!!!!!).......ok so I was not able to sleep last nighRead more...
Make a difference !!!!!!!!
Reviewed Dombivli Fast
Hey ppl This movie dombivli fast ..I dono if u guys hav heard abt it but is abt a man who is fed up of the system all bribery wrong public behaviour and govt Read more...
Still waiting !!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed Sify Broadband Internet Connection
Hey ppl I read some reviews on broad band service providers..so I thought let me put something in this category.........I am a sify subscriber.....so get reaRead more...
Going big time !!!!!!
Reviewed Agabai Arecchha
Hey ppl I am a mumbaikar and I am proud that marathi films & film makers turn some wonders in cases like this.........This movie comes from kedar shinde a reRead more...
Saalam namaste from a long distance !!!!!!!!!
Reviewed Salaam Namaste
Hey ppl What to write about this movie.................let me think because I am not able to find anything so as to say watch in the movie............the movRead more...
Reviewed Angels & Demons - Dan Brown
Hey ppl Well I got pulled into reading this dan rown books starting from davinci thanks to my friend who said try it u will like it .Read more...
Coffee someone ????
Reviewed Coffee Day
Hey ppl First thanks for ur comments on my reviews...... Let me cler it first that I am not a coffee freak....Actually I drink coffee once in a while that tRead more...
Dreams and hopes !!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed Iqbal
Hey ppl IQBAl.......me and my friends went to its first day show bunking college just to watch this movie......some reasons were : 1.kuknoor 2.nasiruddin sRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Debarati's review
Rated on roman50's review
Commented on iamvik's review
hey.....thanks for the inside story u shared...an bet anything ......nothing can beat the famous tandoorie.....
Rated on iamvik's review
Commented on Reader999's review
hey...I think I cudn't have put it this gud short an hot.....u r quick..mann....gr88
Rated on Reader999's review
Commented on Abiananth's review
hey.... Really heavy rvu it was for me though may be bcs I am just a novice in here....but neverthless I am now cuious more abt KR than TSS...... as it was the previous book by the author... Thanks for the rvu it was splendid......
Rated on Abiananth's review
Rated on soulfood121's review
Commented on sunny_available's review
Commented on padma8376's review
Hey Nice humble rvu ..its nice to see ppl sharing their experiences here ...neways i wanan tell u that there r 2 sides to this incident u can look it either humanity way or professional way......by humanity it was surely bad to write them rude f/b as u say.......but professionally its a good poin Read More...
Rated on padma8376's review
Rated on raj_agarwal's review
Commented on own review
thnx for ur solution I will try it if i feel the need of it bye kiran
Commented on reyaa's review
nice rvu u say stay away from choclates how can I ????? hahah.... keep scribling !!! kiran
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Nandni Kumari (@nandnikumari12372MouthShut Verified Member)
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Star Health (@Star_HealthMouthShut Verified Member)
Sathish Sk (@sathishk1992MouthShut Verified Member)
Riyaz Alam (@mdriyazalamMouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Hasid (@HasidMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
Rikant Pitti (@EaseMyTrip_CareMouthShut Verified Member)
ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 3
Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)