AIR INDIA SUCKS POOP and you know it! It is one of the s@*ttiest airlines in the world! The planes are very filthy on the inside. The seats are not at all clean- they look like people puked on them several times and nobody had ever cleaned them since yesteryear.
And the airhostesses are some of the most snotty, stubborn, and obnoxious! Unfortunately, I flew nasty Air India again in 2003 after a 12-year boycott of the horrible airline. It is still as nasty as it was years ago, let me tell you that! Luckily, we are going to India in December, and this time we are flying Lufthansa. Ive been on British Airways and Swissair, and those are also decent airlines, along with Delta. But Air India is one of the worst and filthiest! So I urge anybody who is planning on travelling to India soon not to go on Air India.