Airtel Challenge: If you get worst customer service than this any where in the world, I will pay your 5 months bill.
This is my first month with the Airtel 4G for home and they told me 10 GB is over in one week. Ok, I did not check and just went ahead and did a top up of 3GB, received the confirmation on my mobile and today its 7 days since and its still not activated.
First of all it took me 2 days to figure out how to do the top up. I was able to raise a complain after talking to 10 people and my call being transferred multiple times and had to repeat my story 10 times. Now its been 6 days nothing has been done about it and I am still on 2G. I called at least 6-7 in last 3 days times each time my call was transferred 4-5 times, repeated my story more that 25 times and still no one could help me. And yes I called Airtel 4G customer care and trust me they have no clue about this service.
After being on the phone for hours my problem still exists and worst thing they dont even understand 4G services and packs and just blindly transfer you to next guy who can be from any division . once I was even transferred to 3g and once to billing and once to technical support for some other stuff.
And let me tell you the best joke and this happened 4 times, they told me I need to call 4 G customer care number and they gave me the number I had called on. WOW! thats all I can say.
Welcome to 4G hell
My complain reference number: 63787693
My 4G Number: 738702xxxx