I too fell for the glamour of 4G LTE. After all, who wouldnt want 20+ MBPS speed?
Ah. but we concentrate on the features and start living out our dreams of smooth sailing on lightening fast network. But what about reliability? Uh-oh, u mean, the network has to actually work at 20+ MBPS speed? Er.where do we sign an agreement? I mean the agreement from Airtel where they swear by a law that they will provide the speed you are paying for with your hard earned money?
Oh, I am sorry, they do provide you with 20+ MBPS speed . especially when they give you a demo and after a day, suddenly your quota of 18GB gets mysteriously used up.
My story: Went for 4G LTE break free ultra connection. With this plan, I am supposed to get 18 GB total data free.
Within 15 mins of sending a request on the airtel website, I was bombarded with calls from sales people. They took the documents after a day, sent the verification person the day after that and took 3 weeks to activate my connection -> yes 3 weeks.
After I had almost given up about ever getting my own dream 20+ MBPS network, I followed up and finally got it activated.
I used the network for 3 days and then had to go out of station. During the 3 days, I got very good speed 15+ MBPS. When I returned however, the speed was down to 100 kbps. My local tool showed 1.3 GB usage in a month.
When I complained, the call center folks directed me to my account where it showed my usage had been exceeded(in 3 days!). Well, it was my first time using so much data in 10 years.
I had initially opted for disconnection but yeah, silly me, I got fooled by their website and opted for a topup plan of 3 GB for Rs. 600 extra for the same speed.
Magically, the next day, I got message saying I had exceeded the limit once more and the speed was down to 100 kbps.
Again my local dongle tool showed 1.8 GB used.
Then I knew I had been taken for a ride so I opted for disconnection.
CHEATED by AIRTEL 4G LTE. Truly, all that glitters is not gold. Dont be fooled.