I narrate below my personal experience with Airtel for the benefit of my fellow members so that they put themselves on gaurd to avoid going thru the similar and unfortunate ordeal I have been going thru.
I had applied for Airtels broadband connection on 1st September, 2009 and that too at the persistent approach by one of their sales personnel and accordingly an amount of Rs. 2400 towards three months subscription in advance was collected from me along with the application form. To my utter frustration, till date neither the connection was provided nor did airtel bother to call me to explain the reasons for the delay. Only when I called their helpline on my own after one week of submitting the form, I was told, to my great dismay, that it may not be feasible to provide the connection at my place.
If Airtel can not provide connection to a place for whatever reasons, they shud not have collected the subcription in advance at the first instance. Ironically, they shud have investigated the feasibilities of connection even before they approached me. As if to add salt to injury, even my request for refund of the amount paid has not been complied with despite my repeated reminders followed by a complaint. I only hope and pray that better professional sense prevail upon them to dispose of my case with out further delay.