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Member Since:Sep 10, 2009
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From best to worst !!!
Reviewed Hotel Saravana Bhavan - Parrys - Chennai
Not long ago, I have been a regular visitor of HSB and a silent admirer of its service to the people at a reasonable prices apart from giving employment to thRead more...
Airtel's Broad-nay- narrow band!!!
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
I narrate below my personal experience with Airtel for the benefit of my fellow members so that they put themselves on gaurd to avoid going thru the similar aRead more...
Appeal to Citi group!
Reviewed City Limouzines
Indeed it is very unfortunate that thousands of investors have been left high and dry by the citigroup. I dread to think of the situation of those who rely soRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on archik's review
I quite agree with the fact that birlas are poor in their customer service and also most of their funds barring BSL Dividend yield plus and Mid-cap Funds,are not faring well. As rightly pointed out, when there are so many other better performing funds available in the market, y settle for lesser per Read More...
Commented on asif961's review
Dear Mr. Muthaluc, On what basis are you advising us to go thru the what you suggested and what purpose will that serve? For heaven's sake, pl do not make a mockery of the issue and add insult to the injury.
Commented on aspmlf's review
Dear Mr. Shukla: While I appreciate your positive thinking, I have my own doubts about CIti coming back to business after all that happened and their image tarnished to an irrepairable level. How can you expect a company which did not even bother to update the investors(on whose money it has been ca Read More...
Rated on sydbarett's review
Commented on Pranalivg's review
I too have tata sky plus. Though it is costlier than other DTH providers, it is certainly worth considering the features, clarity and above all the service that come along. More over, Tata Sky is the only one, as of date, to provide the recording facility and that too with a provision to record two Read More...
Commented on appuappu's review
It is incorrect to say that marble looses its shine and smoothness. On the contrary, it gets a better shine and smoothness after every polish. An added advantage of marble is that it keeps the house cool during summer. Marble is easy to clean and maintain. I have used marble flooring in my house and Read More...
Commented on TCVERMA's review
Dear Verma: While i feel sorry for the bad experience you had with Club Mahendra, it is unfortunately very much true that these clubs give a raw deal to the customers after promising many things at the time of sourcing the business. Their sales personnel are trained that way. They conceal more than Read More...
Commented on KSGirish's review
Thank u girish for ur review on access125 as it has given me an idea of the vehicle's performance at a time when i was toying with the idea of buying either acess 125 or activa.
Rated on KSGirish's review
Commented on chirag11kapoor's review
Chirag, While i feel sorry for the tricks played on you by the agent by taking advantage of your trust, I quite agree with your views in this regard. In fact, this unfortunate trend is not exclusive to aviva and agents of other insurance cos too adopt the same tactics in their bid to source the poli Read More...
Commented on matta's review
Thank u srinivas for the update which is quite encouraging. Let us hope and pray for the best!!!
Commented on phaniprasad's review
Dear Prasad, It is shocking to know the ordeal u were put thru by none other than Tatas. I suggest you take this issue with consumer court and ensure that the issue is taken to logical conclusion and justice is done to you. Wishing you good luck!!!
Commented on rs1978's review
Satya, I too had undergone exactly the same unpleasant experience you had gone thru with airtel. Indeed, it is high time that airtel look in to these cases and take appropriate and corrective measures to avoid its recurrence.
Commented on vishal.jawale's review
Is it mandatory to submit the proxy form even by the investors of chennai who cud not go over to mumbai? pl. clarify. Meanwhile, sun news tv carried a news item saying that mr. masood has gone underground as reported by tamilnadu police.
Commented on FREEDOM306's review
Thank u gopal for ur pragmatic approach to this burning issue and the suggestions put forth by you. I entirely agree with your views and suggestions. May the Mumbai investors take a lead in the matter and a file petition in Bombay High Court ahead of the proposed meeting by City Group on 14th n 15th Read More...
Rated on FREEDOM306's review
Shall appreciate if u cud post in these columns the gist of the meeting @ Wilson School as this will help chennai investors get themselves updated. Thanks in advance!
A well articulated article that presents a fair and unbiased scenario. But it, however, fails to suggest the ways and means to tackle the issue in the events of different scenarios that may arise in the near future. But expecting Mr. Masood to put the Citi Group back on trails is tall order though I Read More...
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Vikrant Acharya (@Livspace_officialMouthShut Verified Member)
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