I have been using airtel broad band from couple of years, initially connection speed was good, but frequently used to get disconnected from network, so I used to call customtakeouter care and ask them to resolve, they used to resolve after some follow up, still I was ok to compromise a bit because I wanted 2MBs speed and other service providers are charging more for 2MB speed compare to Airtel, but four months ago I raised a request to raise my BB speed to 4MBps, they said they raised the connection speed to 4MB and started charging more money, only after a month I realized that I am not getting actually 4MB speed and still it was 2MB speed, then I called Airtel said I am not getting 4MBs speed and asked why I have to pay more money for same 2MBs, then customtakeouter care person said they already upgraded connection speed to 4MBs and they said I need to pay bill as per 4MB tariff, so finally ended up paying considerably big amount despite am getting the 4MB speed or not .I didnt understand what they mean it .and after that I started following up with them about my connection speed .and finally one guy came from Airtel and he changed some settings in the modem and after that I got 4MB speed, but I ended up paying extra amount without actually having 4MB speed.
And later within few days my modem stopped working, and I called airtel to repair it, .they came after couple of days.and they took around 1 week to identify the problem.finally they said I need to replace the modem .but I said I am not going to pay the money for replacement .and I said I will continue only if modem gets replaced .and also said if it is not possible to replace then I would like to disconnect the connection .from then they used to call me every couple of days asking me to repair the modem my self and I used to tell the same thing i.e I will continue only If my modem gets replaced.then they made several false promises saying they will replace the modem and they will give waiver, but after one month they send me the bill for that month even though my modem was not working .later I said I dont want to continue BB connection at any cost and asked them to disconnect .they never told me that I have to submit a written complaint to disconnect the connection though I several asked them about disconnection via phone .in mean time again I got the bill for that month including last month payment and late fee charges . I got irritated and I said I wont pay any amount .then thats it .after that they started calling me regularly on mobile during office hours and started harassing .saying that I have to pay full amount .and they didnt bother to listen what issues I faced and my modem was not working etc .so I wrote a mail to customtakeouter care about clarification and to have a written complaint for future reference .pasting here the same.
-Original Message-
To: 121@in.airtel.com
Cc: 121@in.airtel.com
Sent: 06/01/2012 05:34:18 PM
Subject: Re: VERY UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOUR / FALSE PROMISES [|BAL|Qrc20401121501337315829|]
Im not requesting for status and Im asking for clarification
>>We would like to inform you that we have received a request for cancellation of connection on the date 24-NOV-2011 and your request has been registered under the reference number 7785640 and same is under process. <> Further, we would like to inform you that the bill has been generated
correctly as per the process. <> We thank you for using our services and confirm the cancellation of the connection with effect from 06-01-2012. Please note the current outstanding is Rs. 6066.13/- as per invoice dated 06-12-2012. <<
If you understand my last mail there I was not asking info on when the connection got cancelled or what is the bill amount . I didnt understand in what way you resolved the issue, You just the provided the info and not resolved the concerns which I raised in my earlier mails about the bill amount for the unusage of your services.
ISSUE: Why cancellation not happened in the month September when I raised request for cancellation via phone for which your customtakeouter care executive accepted for it
Can you tell me in what way you resolved/addressed my concern about why the cancellation not happened and sent bills for 3 months though I was not using your services.
why I need pay for your mistake i.e. for not cancelling the connection when I requested and agreed from your end to cancel?
Why you generated the bill for the months of Oct, Nov, and Dec when I asked to cancel in the month of September?
Will you not take service request from customtakeouter via phone? IF-YES why it is not processed? IF-NO why didnt mention this when I made a several request calls for cancellation in the last 3 months?
Why the deactivation happened only in the month of Jan? Is it normally process that you take 4 months to process a customtakeouter request?
Who gave the authority for your third party agents to question, blackmail and threaten me via phone?
Please give clarification in point wise and send the details to know where the mistake happened from your end or from my end? If the mistake is from your end then please wipe out the rental charges for the last 3 months and send the new bill. Im OK to pay accordingly.