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Member Since:Mar 04, 2008
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Dosn't have any costumer Value and very cunning
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
I have been using airtel broad band from couple of years, initially connection speed was good, but frequently used to get disconnected from network, so I usedRead more...
Definitely Great Bike
Reviewed Hero Honda Hunk
I liked this bike really, I bought this bike in May and Ienjoyed a lot every moment. I feel ltl proud when people stare at me in traffic signals bcoz of thisRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed heart_twister
Rated on sunny155's review
Commented on own review
Yes its the same issue, they are really cunning and they are asking me to pay even I didn’t use the service ..yes I also started moving away from Airtel and started process about the same..though we are not doing any negative publicity intentionally .. we are trying is to tell the truth to the ppl . Read More...
Commented on rasheedahmadusmani's review
I totally agree with you ..I am currently facing same issue...daily they are harassing me though my modem was not working ..and they are asking me to pay for those couple of months for which modem was not working ..
Rated on rasheedahmadusmani's review
Commented on giri3's review
recently I also faced same issue, despite the fact they made several false promises ..they are asking me to pay the bill for months which my modem was not working ..they didn’t bother to repair the modem and they didn’t disconnect aswell and finally sent 2 months bills , and now third party agents a Read More...
Rated on giri3's review
Rated on muthu_swamy's review
Commented on muthu_swamy's review
just bullshit ....he doesn't have hunk ..may be other brand fan ..
Rated on dave372's review
Commented on dave372's review
the above reviewer won't have Hunk ...he is just trying to blame this bike ...
Rated on venkey79's review
Commented on venkey79's review
Hi,one thing i didn't understood with out knowing any thing about this bike how u rated this product.If u really want to buy this bike u can always go for a test drive and make u r self comfortable. Yes it looks like ltl bit heavy bike,but I never felt it is heavy to drive. I am sure its handin Read More...
Rated on damnpulsar's review
Commented on soumen.sam's review
I used to get exactly 40 kmph when i purchased it,but after second service currently I am getting 48kmph ,while maintaining the speed in between 60-70 so i guess it is good millage.
Rated on alpha_jain's review
Commented on alpha_jain's review
I don't accept with u r comments about millage,I own hunk and I am getting around 48 -50 kmph after second service and bike is really pretty cool if I compare with pulsar or any other 150 cc.I never liked pulsar because of Baja's unreliable advertisements and its poor performance and poor durabili Read More...
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