I have been wearing glasses since middle school. I was made fun of…nothing new to a person who has had this eye affliction. I tried to avoid wearing glasses till I started literally walking into things and have been wearing them ever since. Through my Junior college and professional school all my well wishers and friends tried to mentally brainwash me into wearing contact lenses but I refrained.
I was even lured by my mom’s friend my ophthalmologist to try out a free pair that he would gift me. This experiment worked less than a week because of all the washing and rubbing that is required pre and post wear as well as the coarseness I experienced wearing the lenses turned me off the whole concept. Moreover, my conjunctiva (white portion of the eyeball on which rests the edges of the lens) is extremely sensitive due to persistent allergies (a reaction of your body to foreign particles…. namely proteins). So that was the end of it.
I have been studying here in the United States for the past 4 years and my glasses have given me no trouble, but recently due to blurring of vision I made a visit to get my prescription checked…and the great news I get is my eyes need a higher prescription lens in order to function like a normal person. The ophthalmologist convinced me that the way to go was lenses and offered me a trial pair of disposable lenses with the opti-free lens solution. She told me I could wear the lenses for a good 8-10 hours and even if I slept with them as long as I soaked them for 5-6 hours in opti-free solution I was good to go for another 8-10 hours. This time the lens bug bit me and I was sold out, the world seemed clearer and I did not have to bother about carrying a case for sunglasses, prescription glasses and the cleaning supplies, all I need was my case to carry the lenses (two inches long and an inch wide nothing compared to the cases for glasses)already containing the solution. Thus reducing my purse load.
I was blissfully happy, and recommended lenses to all my friends who are diehard glasses fans, but they did not comeback with great reviews and I could not figure the reason as to why something that worked for me did not quiet as much make a positive dent if not impact in their lives.
This is how I discovered the reason behind their gloom. I once stayed over at this friends apartment who had tried contact lenses on my urging and I forgot to carry my supply of opti-free ALCON solution, but I thought no sweat since she had already bought the supplies for her experiment with lenses I might as well finish using her supplies. I soaked my lenses overnight (my overnight is a little longer than most people and can be accounted for anything between 8-10 hours…. only on the weekends. I don’t want you assuming I am kaam dhanda less = jobless). The next day we were supposed to join some friends for a movie and lunch at their place and so as I put my contact lenses I felt like a déjà vu of that incident many years back and I tried to ignore it and before I know it my eyes had turned bulbous red and I had watery eyes.
The next day I went to my faithful ophthalmologist who explained that the new solution (Bausch & Laumb) had the de-proteinizing agents (on wear the proteins secreted by the eyes attach to the lens and therefore they periodically need to be cleaned) but soaking in this solution (Bausch & Laumb) alone does not help as one has to manually rub the proteins off. Moreover, proteins are a rich source for bacteria to grow and if a contact lens wearer is not particular about hygiene he/she has a chance of developing a serious infection. This new opti-free solution contains aldox and polyquad, which help remove protein and control bacterial growth. I was blissfully unaware of it, as from day one I had used ALCON opti-free and had never had to do such a pre and post wear routine and moreover never experienced any discomfort.
I have finally managed to convert most of my friends if not all to use contact lenses and I would suggest to all new users this is a must try for natural feeling eyes and those who are veterans and have never tried contact lenses treated with ALCON opti-free, it is a must try. I hope by writing this review I have made contact lens wearing a pure joy.