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Member Since:Aug 15, 2002
0 MS Points
I love talking, meeting new people and trying new things. I like hanging out with friends watching movies, eating different cuisines and travelling. I get bored easily and therefore am on the look out to do some new activity all the time. I love discussing relevant day to day issues because I feel by discussing this stuff I can broaden my horizon of knowledge and grasp things still inexperienced by me.Till recently I had just such a circle of friends and family with whom I could discuss anything under the stars but due to circumstances (geographical) I was left hanging. So I decided to do a net search to collect a group of people who I could review things with and I found just the site''Mouthshut.com''. I have been reading opinions and reviewing topics discussed and I feel overall here is a collection of smart and articulate people with a hobby as unique as mine....''giving opinions''.
About Me
Education: PhD
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A lesson for all times
Reviewed General Thoughts on Management
I am no expert on business and nor do I have the slightest inkling on how it should be run, but today as every newsmagazine or news article flashes the sorry Read more...
Beautiful eyes
Reviewed Alcon Opti-Free Express
I have been wearing glasses since middle school. I was made fun of…nothing new to a person who has had this eye affliction. I tried to avoid wearing glaRead more...
Health here costs all your wealth
Reviewed Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre - Bandra - Mumbai
I dont claim to be an authority in health issues but I will try and speak my mind on this particular institution. I have a long standing relationship wiRead more...
Ray Barone Man of the Year
Reviewed Everybody Loves Raymond - TV Serial Star World TV Channel
<Everybody loves Raymond>..... This is a really hilarious comedy about a family which includes a mother, father, two sons a daughter-in-law (DIL)Read more...
For a Woman
Reviewed Red Door by Elizabeth Arden
This perfume is for the women who have a leaning for floral/fruity over musky perfumes. It has a great combination floral scents intermingled with fruity hintRead more...
Best to sell and buy books
Reviewed Half
I have sold over 5 books on half.com and the response has been immediate. I am also a regular buyer of books on half.com and the service is excellent. On halRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on relsr's review
Commented on relsr's review
A great book review. I guess this will be my next read. Hope you can write more and lead to some good finds. Thanks
Rated on ashford's review
Commented on turbo5.9's review
I have been living in Omaha for the last 4 years and really enjoyed your review on Nebraska. I have to really agree with you about the people. Though I have to add that it is a slow place for a big city girl like me. Ashwini
Rated on bchalker's review
Followed achougoo , gangscare
Commented on achougoo's review
I had read about it as the new touted web search in TIME mag. I had checked it out but did not know the advantages of this one over the others and so could not convince my techie friends as they understand techi jargon. thanx for the lead and I m going to talk the XML and Flash words. I really like Read More...
Commented on gangscare's review
Hi, Read your review about the movie and the email service. I personally like the Rediff article better as it gave me an indepth review of the object at hand. Keep up the good work Ashudee
Rated on gangscare's review
Commented on just-did-it's review
This is a superb picture posted by you about India. We all love her and accept her with all it's problems but you have in your review revealed that India is great inspite of it's problems. Loved it Ashudee
Rated on Venchasa's review
Commented on Venchasa's review
Thank You, You have aptly described the book and done justice to a great writer. Ashwini
Rated on gh12's review
Rated on HAWK21M's review
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