I lived in the US during the start of the Iraq War. I noticed certain lines from Bush like spreading freedom & education. In this Movie too the same lines were used by Alexander. Also Bush occupation of Iraq was on the same lines of Alexander invasion of Persia. In the first half of the Movie I was wondering Is the director trying to say something about Modern times resembling the older times?
The movie for the most part was disjointed with loose and incoherent screenplay. The movie expects you to know about Alexander before you watch this movie. The fight in Hindu kush is not shown as per history.
I didnt feel the buildup of successes or how and why Alexander was great. The movie did not dwell on History, biography or the historic events. I felt like the director and story writer made this movie for the sake of making it
Since I was not satisfied with this 3 hr movie I immediately watched another 3 hr movie TROY which was better in its screenplay and gripping plot.