I became an all-out fan when I was in my engg college. At that time we had use the mosquito good night mats. And as usual like students do, there was a shortage of mats always. They were among the heavily guarded and accounted things due to the people who were in the borrowing mode always. There was a time when we used to over-use the same mat by reversing it.
We also collected the old mats in order to burn them in case of an emergency. Then came all-out machine, I adopted quickly to it because of its non-smell silent mode and great performance. It was like ?And they lived happily married together?.
It was the rainy season - the season of mosquitos. I re-checked my refill if it is getting over soon. No, I could see half of it full. Now no one (mosquito) can disturb me with my sleep then. Sleep was something very very precious to me. And it wasn?t easy for me to get sleep too. There were many pre-conditions to obtaining sleep for me. First my bed has to be clean, its pillow should be of the correct width. I should have had a glass of water after the loo and lastly my clothes should be loose. When all these conditions are met my allout takes care of the mosquitos when I am asleep.
My faith in allout was unquestionable. And it became stagnant at a point of time when it couldn?t have grown further.
But slowly something happened. I was made to wake up every other night fighting the mosquitos in my room. I assumed that the room cooler is the cause of the invitation to the excessive mosquitos. I assumed nothing more could be done when my allout cannot handle them. Months went by and frequently I used to have sleepless nights just because of even a single mosquito. I started realizing my sensitivity towards the mosquitos. How can I be so sensitive that a single mosquito can keep me awake all the night.
At that time I shifted to Noida and the room I slept was very big, difficult for a single allout to handle but I kept my faith on and religiously turned it on before sleeping. But every alternate night I was woken up my mosquitos. I thought it is that the mosquitos have gotten immune of this allout. But this couldn?t have been the reason. And from many months I didn?t even change my all-outs refill. It was the same half full last month when I checked. So, there seemt to be some problem with the refill. I immediately brought in a new one. I was relieved that atleast I found the problem was with the refill that the mosquitos were not getting affected.
For a month or so, my sleep situation worsened. I assumed that now nothing can be done and it is mosquitos to blame who have become immune to the allout machine and they can kiss me at any point of time in the night. I started taking serious measures against keeping my room door closed. Even if some friend came I ran to close it. And with experience I realized that its the evening when the mosquitos enter the room. Now even my friends got in the good habit of closing the room door whenever they made a visit. But that was for sure I felt like a fool always keeping my room door closed because of the fear of the mosquitos. And in a sunday TOI, I glossed over the question ?Most dangerous animal on earth? - Mosquito?. It shivered me to my soul. It had inspired me more against my fight towards the mosquitos. I had come down to bare hands with them at the night and whenever there was chance to smash them against the wall or the bed, I left none. I spoilt numerous bedsheets and almost all the walls and ceiling too killing mosquitos with the newspaper, slipper or my hands. Nothing else could be done. ?Laaton ke bhoot ...!?
And there was a visit from my relatives to my flat. I respectfully offered my room for them to sleep while I went to sleet in one of my friend?s room. I was dead scared to the amount of mosquitos there can be as his room was always open. So I just wanted to cross check the allout refill that was being used was in optimum quantity or not. To my disbelief this guy had been sleeping even though his allout refill had exhausted. I said to myself - ?How can people live like this?? I immediately brought the old unexhausted refill which I had and fitted into his machine. Within a minute or two a pleasant smell started coming.
What was this fragnance for?! I had used this refill and never did it come in the last few days then why today. Eureka !!!!!!!! It means that my all out refill wasn?t working though it was showing a glowing light on the outside. How can it be. And I touched the allout machine it was hot at the top while my machine had been at the room temperature itself.
I had been fooled from so many months. My machine was not working from the inside and the red-light was glowing outside making me belive that its working. Oh silly me! But thanks to my friend whose allout machine showed me the way to a new (night)life. I got a new machine the very next day and was a bold man again who could dare to keep his room door open for the whole day without even worrying about mosquitos because that has been delegated to allout.
One more news, I returned the all-out machine to the Karamchance appliances(its distributor) stating the problem and was complimented by a new machine with a 30 day refill too...!!